October Region 9 HSTP "Kick-Off" Meeting Minutes.

Region 9 “Kick-Off” Meeting Minutes

IDOT Region 9 Human Services Transportation Plan (HSTP) Kick-off meeting
Wednesday, October 17th, 2007 @ 3:00PM
Litchfield Community Center and Senior Citizen’s Center, Litchfield, IL

Meeting minutes




Sean Horn

Region 9 HSTP Coordinator

Seth Gunnerson

Region 9 HSTP Coordinator

Dave East


Kathy Haberer

Lewis and Clark Community College

Bob Washburn

SIU Edwardsville

Linda Mitchell


Kenneth Breden

Jersey County Board

Kim M. Taylor

FAYCO Enterprises, Inc.

Susan Thomas

Madison County Transit

Kent Tarro

Macoupin County Public Health Department

Pam Hawkins

Marion County Board

Call to order @ 3:05 PM

Sean Horn and Seth Gunnerson HSTP regional coordinators for region 9 as well as regions 10 and 11.
Attendees were asked to introduce themselves and who they represent.

New Business:
Introduction of HSTP presentation given by Sean Horn

Discussion of JARC and New Freedom Programs with timeline: Sean Horn

Important Dates for JARC and New Freedom Programs:
October 26: Applications will be sent out
November 14: Applicant application review class in Springfield IL
December 5: Application submittal deadline to regional coordinators
December 28: Application reviews completed by Regional Transportation Committee (RTC)
January 4: Top ranked applications sent to DPIT by RTC.

Purpose and Responsibility of the Regional Transportation Committee (RTC): Seth Gunnerson

HSTP Committee Member Information Surveys were handed out to all attendees to be completed and left at the end of the meeting.

The PowerPoint presentation will be emailed to all persons in attendance. All attendees can freely distribute the presentation to any interested parties.

Suggestions were made for other organizations to contact about the committee including; Clinton County Center for the Developmentally Disabled, IMPACT of Madison County, and IL Council for the Developmentally Disabled of Metro East serving St. Clair and Madison counties.

It was suggested that future meetings make use of teleconferencing facilities in the area to help limit travel requirements and enable more people to attend the meetings.

Adjournment @ 3:50 PM

HSTP Committee Member Information Survey results:
The majority of those present indicated a preferred meeting day of Wednesday or Thursday and a preferred meeting time of early afternoon.

Suggested future meeting locations included:
Montgomery County
Anywhere near an interstate

Handouts presented at meeting:
HSTP Timeline for Implementation at the Regional Level.doc
Final HSTP map.jpg

Electronic versions of all documents are available by request.


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