Proposed Region 9 Bylaws.





These by-laws, on behalf of the Illinois Counties of Bond, Calhoun, Clinton, Fayette, Green, Jersey, Macoupin, Madison, Marion, and Montgomery are established on behalf of the geographic area of Illinois Region 9 referred to above for the purpose of creating a Human Services Transportation Plan (herein called “HSTP”) in fulfillment of the provisions of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Act, a Legacy for Users (herein called “SAFETEA-LU”), and for prioritizing and recommending projects for federal transit funds to the Illinois Department of Transportation.

WHEREAS, SAFETEA-LU requires the establishment of a locally-developed, coordinated public transit human services transportation plan for projects that receive funding through Section 5310 (Elderly and Individuals with Disabilities), Section 5316 (Job Access Reverse Commute), and Section 5317 (New Freedom); and

WHEREAS, SAFETEA-LU requires the development of the HSTP to include representatives from the public, private, and nonprofit transportation and human service providers, and participation by the public; and

WHEREAS, the IDOT Division of Public and Intermodal Transportation has designated the South Central Illinois Regional Planning and Development Commission (herein called SCIRP&DC) as the Regional Planning Organization responsible for carrying out planning and programming requirements for Region 9 in cooperation with the state. SCIRP&DC has entered into a contract with Illinois Department of Transportation for transit planning purposes; and

NOW, THEREFORE, the by-laws established below will set the purpose and functions of SCIRP&DC in cooperation with an Illinois Region 9 Human Services Transportation Committee.


A. SCIRP&DC shall perform and carry out a cooperative, comprehensive, and continuing area wide transit planning and programming process for Illinois Region 9 in accordance with the requirements of applicable laws, policies, and procedures with the assistance of the Illinois Department of Transportation.

B. SCIRP&DC shall maintain an Illinois Region 9 Human Services Transportation Committee (HSTC) to oversee and coordinate the process in a manner that will ensure that transportation planning and programming decisions are reflective of the needs of local and state governments and transit operations.


A. The HSTC shall be composed of the following representatives, each having one vote:

1. A local government elected official or appointed official or appointed representative from each of the 10 counties in the Illinois Region 9 geographic area (up to 10 representatives).

2. Up to 10 Not-for-Profit, Human Services Organizations or other institutions which represent the citizens of the Illinois Region 9 geographic area. Representation should balance special needs, aging, disabled, workforce, and educational interests when possible (up to 10 representatives).

3. Up to 10 Public or Private Transit Providers with one representatives from throughout the geographic area of Region 9 where possible (up to 10 representatives).

B. The above numbers are ideal thresholds for committee involvement. The actual size of the committee at its inception will be set based on participation at the first 4 HSTP meetings and will be open to willing parties able to commit to serving on the committee. The committee may vote to add new members by a simple majority vote provided that the thresholds defined in Section A above have not been met.

C. Members of the committee may select a designated voting representative to represent them at the meeting in their absence. An elected official may appoint another elected official or representative as their designee.

D. Resignation by a member of the committee must be requested in writing and submitted at or prior to a meeting. If there is a vacancy or resignation on the committee, the remaining members shall appoint a new member to complete the term of the vacant position. At this time, a good faith effort must be made to appoint a member who represents a similar group of stakeholders (elderly, disabled, low-income, etc.) within the human services category and/or provider category. Elected officials will be appointed by the county board chair that they represent and can be either county or city officials or a designee.

E. Upon failure to attend consecutive meetings without sending a stand-in or giving prior notice of absence OR upon failing to attend or send a stand-in to at least half of the scheduled meetings in the previous year (365 days), regardless of whether notice of absence is given, committee members will be considered to be INACTIVE MEMBERS. Inactive members will have their voting rights suspended and their presence or lack there of will not count towards a quorum for voting purposes. Once a committee member becomes an inactive member, he or she may be removed from the committee by a simple majority vote at the next regularly scheduled committee meeting. Inactive members who are not removed from the committee will regain active status either by a simple majority vote or by attending or sending a stand-in to consecutive meetings.

F. A quorum of the Regional Human Services Transportation Committee shall consist of a simple majority of active committee members, without regard to county origin. Active committee participants are those who have made a commitment to serve on the committee as defined above in Sections B and E.


A Chair and Vice-Chair of the HSTC shall be chosen by representatives of the Committee at the first meeting held in odd numbered years. The Chair or any member presiding over the Committee may vote and make or second motions. Any other officer positions may be created as the committee sees fit.


A. Other local governments, human service agencies, and transportation providers within Region 9 who are not members of the HSTC shall receive information and may attend all meetings. Any other interested individuals or the media may contact the Regional HSTP Coordinator at the SCIRP&DC office and be added to the mailing list for meeting notifications.

B. Meetings will be scheduled during weekdays at a location within Region 9 unless otherwise agreed upon by committee members. The date, location, and time for meetings will be chosen by SCIRP&DC staff under advisement from the committee. In any three year time frame the committee must meet in at least 3 difference locations within 3 different counties of Region 9. Meetings locations should be selected in order to minimize travel time for all members and to not show favorability towards any geographic area of Region 9.

C. The committee as a whole shall meet at least 4 times a year. Meetings shall be held roughly quarterly (every 3 months), but may be moved in order to align with deadlines set by IDOT.

D. Except for extraordinary circumstances, meetings shall be announced at least 3 weeks (15 business days) in advance.


The HSTC may appoint and direct subcommittees as it sees fit. Subcommittees may be comprised of non-committee members.


A. The HSTC shall develop, in conjunction with IDOT, a regional evaluation process to prioritize Section 5310, 5316, and 5317 projects for Illinois Region 9 Rural Areas, and recommend those projects to IDOT for funding consideration. Illinois Department of Transportation may expand prioritization of projects at its discretion or by mandate.

B. The Human Services Transportation Plan (HSTP) shall be prepared by SCIRP&DC staff, which will include HSTP elements. The HSTP shall include all elements required by state and federal transportation authorities in addition elements requested by local government representatives. The HSTC will review and approve the HSTP. Any changes to the HSTP must be approved by the committee.


A. If any one or more of the provisions of this Agreement is declared unconstitutional or contrary to law, the validity of the remainder of the Agreement shall not be affected thereby.

B. This Agreement is subject to amendment when a majority of ALL active members (without regards to a quorum) of the HSTC adopts the amendment.


This Agreement shall become effective upon approval by a majority of all active members, and shall remain in effect until terminated by a two-thirds majority vote of all active HSTC members.


These by-laws and establishment of an HSTC may be terminated at the discretion of Illinois Department of Transportation in compliance with changes to federal requirements or by a two-thirds majority vote of all active HSTC members.


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