Region 10 HSTP Meeting Minutes
Region 10 Meeting
Tuesday November 10, 2009 @ 1:00p
Fairfield Public Library
Fairfield, Illinois
Meeting minutes
Name | Organization |
Lindsey Holtz | Region 9 HSTP Coordinator |
Elton Trojniar | Region 9 HSTP Coordinator |
Jim Weber | Jasper County Board |
Gidget Simpson | CILA Corporation |
Yvonne DeKnikker | South Eastern Illinois AAA |
Kristie Warfel | CEFS/CIPT |
Jean Bohnnof | ECCO |
Nancy Travis | Clay County Rehab |
Dennis Presley | SIU Carbondale |
Debra Staggs | RIDES MTD |
Arnold Herman | Lawrence Crawford Association |
Call to order @ 1:00 PM
Lindsey Holtz and Elton Trojniar HSTP Regional Coordinators for Substates 9, 10, and 11. Attendees were asked to introduce themselves and who they represent.
New Business:
1:05p Region 11 Plan Overview
-Provider Profiles – Lindsey Holtz
-Opened floor for discussion
-Trip Generators – Elton Trojniar
1:15p CVP Update
-No change in CVP status – Lindsey Holtz
1:20p JARC/New Freedom
-Overview – Elton Trojniar
-Discussed relationship between JARC/New Freedom and Region Plan – Elton Trojniar
-Opened floor for discussion
1:25p Committee Membership
-Importance of membership recruitment – Lindsey Holtz
-Discussed possible Chair Responsibilities – Lindsey Holtz and Elton Trojniar
-Number of Representatives for each committee group – Lindsey Holtz
- Number of current slots that are open for new members
-Discussion of potentially starting sub-committees – Lindsey Holtz
-Opened floor for discussion
1:35p Guest Speaker
-Dennis Presley for Southern Illinois University of Carbondale spoke on C-CAT meetings and needing contacts in the northern counties of Region 9.
1:55p Future Plans
-Potential Meeting dates and times – Lindsey Holtz
-Newsletter – Lindsey Holtz
-Opened floor for any issues, questions, or comments/Closing comments: Lindsey Holtz and Elton Trojniar
Adjourn 2:00p