Region 10 HSTP Meeting Minutes

Region 10 Meeting
Tuesday November 10, 2009 @ 1:00p

Fairfield Public Library

Fairfield, Illinois

Meeting minutes




Lindsey Holtz

Region 9 HSTP Coordinator

Elton Trojniar

Region 9 HSTP Coordinator

Jim Weber

Jasper County Board

Gidget Simpson

CILA Corporation

Yvonne DeKnikker

South Eastern Illinois AAA

Kristie Warfel


Jean Bohnnof


Nancy Travis

Clay County Rehab

Dennis Presley

SIU Carbondale

Debra Staggs


Arnold Herman

Lawrence Crawford Association

Call to order @ 1:00 PM


Lindsey Holtz and Elton Trojniar HSTP Regional Coordinators for Substates 9, 10, and 11. Attendees were asked to introduce themselves and who they represent.

New Business:
1:05p Region 11 Plan Overview

-Provider Profiles – Lindsey Holtz

-Opened floor for discussion

-Trip Generators – Elton Trojniar

1:15p CVP Update

-No change in CVP status – Lindsey Holtz

1:20p JARC/New Freedom

-Overview – Elton Trojniar

-Discussed relationship between JARC/New Freedom and Region Plan – Elton Trojniar

-Opened floor for discussion

1:25p Committee Membership

-Importance of membership recruitment – Lindsey Holtz

-Discussed possible Chair Responsibilities – Lindsey Holtz and Elton Trojniar

-Number of Representatives for each committee group – Lindsey Holtz

- Number of current slots that are open for new members

-Discussion of potentially starting sub-committees – Lindsey Holtz

-Opened floor for discussion

1:35p Guest Speaker

-Dennis Presley for Southern Illinois University of Carbondale spoke on C-CAT meetings and needing contacts in the northern counties of Region 9.

1:55p Future Plans

-Potential Meeting dates and times – Lindsey Holtz

-Newsletter – Lindsey Holtz

-Opened floor for any issues, questions, or comments/Closing comments: Lindsey Holtz and Elton Trojniar

Adjourn 2:00p


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