HSTP Region 9 Meeting Minutes

January 18, 2011

Los Amigos Restaurant

Vandalia, Il.


Kathy Malloy

Il Valley Sr. Citizens (IVEDC)

Jackie Kamp

Main St. Community Center

Jerry Curran

Main St. Community Center

Terry Adcock

Bond Co. Transit

Cathy Howlett West


Rachel Newsome

Il. Center for Autism

Vicki Clift

South Central Transit

Sheila Niederhofer


Kim Taylor


Mike Spud Ebert


Susan Thomas


Joe Domer


Carrie Viehweg


Claire Budd

Beverly Farm Foundation

Donna Mitchell


Kent Tarro

Macoupin Co. Public Health Dept.

Elton Trojniar

HSTP Coordinator

Terri Finn

HSTP Coordinator

Meeting was called to order at approximately 1:05pm & everyone in attendance introduced themselves.

Handouts were provided & Elton gave a brief explanation of each. Elton & Terri went over the list of the regions Gaps, Goals & Strategies explaining that by the next regional meeting an updated list would be presented to the committee to be discussed & voted on for submittal to the Regional Plan. Members were asked to provide input to the HSTP Coordinators so an accurate list can be made.

Elton gave a brief rundown of how the CVP application review by the Coordinators went & explained the endorsement voting form. Since there was a new agency in attendance & an agency that had lost voting privileges, the by-laws voting rules were explained. A motion was made by Carrie Viehweg & 2nd by Susan Thomas to move Main St. Community Center back to active voting. Motions were carried. A motion was then made by Rachel Newsome & 2nd by Kathy Malloy to make FASTT a voting member of the committee. Motions were carried. The endorsement voting form was explained and provided for each voting agency.

CVP Applications

The following agencies presented information on their CVP applications & an explanation of the need for new vehicles:

Challenge Unlimited-5 replacement

Residential Options-2 replacement

IVEDC-1 replacement

Il Center for Autism-1 replacement

FASTT-1 replace\expand

Bond Co. Transit-2 expansion

Main St. Comm. Center-2 replacement

FAYCO-3 replacement

Macoupin Co. Health Dpt.-3 replacement\1 expansion

Kim Taylor (FAYCO) explained to the group that DD regulations require any driver, whether public or private, transporting individuals during the hours they are covered by the DD provider, must have direct service training which has cut the amount of public transportation they can allow without properly trained drivers.

It was announced that the HSTP Coordinators will be attending a Mobility Management training in February.

It was asked that the Coordinators give an update at the next meeting on ITS. Sheila Niederhofer offered information on this topic.

Elton informed the group that he is planning to have the next regional meeting via the internet if there are no objections. Everyone agreed that would be fine. The next meeting will be planned for the end of March & the committee will be informed of more details as they occur.

Meeting was adjourned at approximately 12:20pm


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