Region 9 Quarterly HSTP Committee Meeting Minutes
At 1:00 pm on 6\23\11 the quarterly HSTP Committee meeting was called to order in Highland, Il. at the Latzer Public Library.
Introductions were made with these members in attendance:
Joe Domer | Agency for Community Transit |
Susan Thomas | Agency for Community Transit |
Kim Taylor | FAYCO |
Alan Gilmore | Jersey Co. Business Assoc. |
Carrie Viehweg | CEFS-CIPT |
Connie Tierney | St. Joseph’s Hospital |
Chris Gebke | Community Link |
Jon Hallberg | S. Central Il. Regional Planning & Development |
Anna Oestreich | Bond County |
Kathy Malloy | Il. Valley Sr. Center-Jersey & Greene |
Jackie Kamp | Main St. Community Center-Edwardsville |
Mike Egbert | Opportunities For Access CIL |
Kent Tarro | Macoupin Co. Public Transportation |
Terri Finn | HSTP Coordinator |
| |
Sub-Committees-Committee person Anna Oestreich shared 3 Mission Statement options. After discussion, the group agreed & voted to add the following statement to the Region 9 Plan: To coordinate the human service transportation efforts of public, private, & non-profit providers to eliminate duplication and maximize services across the region.
Gaps\Needs\Strategies-Committee person Susan Thomas provided handouts with the sub-committee’s summary of the Region 9 Gaps\Needs with bulleted progress updates & the sub-committee’s list of recommended goals with strategies to achieve the goals.
Susan also provided summary remarks about some of the gaps & went over the recommended goals in detail.
After much discussion on the proposed strategies & goals, it was acknowledged by all that the issues we face are connected with larger problems outside the scope of the committee. Once data & facts are established, this information can be shared with elected officials which then become a strategy to solve some of these issues. Chris Gebke volunteered Community Link to become a member of this sub-committee to give input on behalf of the human service agencies.
Plan Review- The Plan Review sub-committee had not had the chance to meet yet but will do so before the next quarterly meeting.
Terri thanked the sub-committees for their work thus far. She also welcomed all of those present to call or e-mail her with suggestions and\or bring them to the next quarterly meeting.
General Discussion
Program Reviews-Terri provided information on 5310 inspections\reviews she has already conducted & a listing of the agencies she will be visiting soon.
Calhoun, Greene & Jersey Co. – Alan Gilmore spoke on the 3 counties efforts to form a public transportation system. They are currently working with RTAC in the third phase of the process. The System Development Group will meet on July 8th & anyone providing services to people in those counties is welcome to attend.
HSTP Changes- Elton Trojniar has left the HSTP Coordinator position to take the position of Exec. Director of the newly formed Cass-Schuyler Co. Public Transit system.
Terri informed the committee that at the next quarterly meeting we will be nominating & electing a Chair, co-Chair & Secretary for the committee.
Mike Egbert asked that OFA-CIL become a voting member of the HSTP Committee. He gave a brief explanation of the services OFA provides to people with disabilities. Motion was made by Jackie Kamp & 2nd by Kim Taylor to accept OFA-CIL as a voting member. Motion carried unanimously.
The next meeting will be held on Thursday Sept. 15th at 1:00 with the location to be determined.
Meeting adjourned.