Region 11 HSTP Meeting
******MEETING NOTICE******
Region 11 HSTP Quarterly Meeting
Tuesday June 5, 2012
11:00 A.M.
Hidden Springs Ranger District
602 North 1st Street (1st St. is Rt. 45)
Vienna, Illinois 62995
The next meeting for the Region 11 IDOT Human Service Transportation Planning Committee will be held on Tuesday June 5th, 11:00 at the Hidden Springs Ranger District in Vienna.
We will have an update on the rural public transportation in St. Clair County, information on vehicle leasing\sharing and the HSTP survey you recently received.
There will be opportunity for open discussion on anything members of the committee would like to address. If you would like to see something added to the agenda, please let us know as soon as possible.
If you received this notice and are not the primary contact for transportation services in your organization, please forward this to the appropriate person or contact us with any changes.
Terri Finn & Jaime Blatti
Human Services Transportation Coordinators
Region 11 HSTP Quarterly Meeting Agenda
June 5, 2011
I. Call to order
II. Introductions & Sign In Sheet
III. St. Clair County
a. Survey
b. Update with SCT/SCCTD
IV. HSTP Survey Results
a. Results Handout
b. Discussion
V. Grant Updates
a. Applicants, Projects, Endorsements
VI. Vehicle Leasing\Sharing
a. How It Can Happen Successfully
VII. General Discussion
a. Coordination Stories-Topic for September meeting
b. Mobility Management\Travel trainings
c. Open discussion
d. Date & location for next meeting
VIII. Adjournment