Region 9: 2017 Meeting Notice (12/14)


******MEETING NOTICE******

IDOT HSTP Region 9 Meeting

Thursday December 14, 2017

11:00 AM

Senior Services Plus

2603 N. Rodgers Ave.

Alton, Il. 62002


The next meeting for the Region 9 IDOT Human Service Transportation Planning Committee will be hosted by Senior Services Plus on Thursday December 14th, 11:00am.


We will be taken on a tour of the SSP facilities and see all of the activities the center has for the people they serve.


There will be a quick update on the HSTP Regional Plan & time for agency updates.


There will be opportunity for open discussion on anything members of the Committee would like to address.  The agenda is on the reverse side & if you would like to see something added please let me know as soon as possible. 


If you received this notice and are not the primary contact for transportation services in your organization, please forward this to the appropriate person or contact me with any changes.

I look forward to seeing you all then!


Terri Finn                                                                   

Human Services Transportation Coordinator




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