Region 11: 2022 Meeting Minutes (11/16)
HSTP Region 11
November 16, 2022
Meeting Minutes
Call to
Order – The
quarterly HSTP meeting was called to order at 11:02 a.m. by Jimmy Leadingham.
Representatives from each agency introduced themselves.
of August 2022 Meeting Minutes – No additions or corrections, motion by Ben Simpson, 2nd
by Rob Wilson to accept and approve the minutes. Motion approved.
St. Clair
Co. Transit & Chestnut Health Services – Nathan from Chestnut Health Services spoke to the
group, explaining the coordinated services to connect the public to services
needed. Representatives from Chestnut riding Metro Trains are seeking out
individuals who may need services such as behavioral health, food pantries,
detox etc.
Rob Wilson
expressed thanks to everyone for the donations to help with their food drive.
Plan: Strategies for
meeting needs & closing gaps – Terri Finn had Needs Assessment printed out
for the group and asked that agencies let her know of anything they are doing
towards filling the needs and closing gaps as this information is reported to
Concerns: Agency
updates/discussion – Terri Finn shared with the group that I.D.O.T. is almost
done with the CVP applications and award letters are expected in January 2023. Terri
also reported on a recent meeting of the “One Call Center” and how to get back
on track and getting the newer agencies to the group involved.
Discussion: Agency Information/Updates – Shawnee MTD
shared with the group that their agency has a new Passenger Rules Ride card
that they will begin issuing to clients in December. SMTD will share the two
sided card with Terri Finn after they receive them.
materials – Terri provided for the group printed copies of the Needs &
Set dates for 2023 meetings – Region 11 2023 meetings dates
will be as follows: February
15th – will be a conference call meeting
May 17th – Spero Family Services, Mt.
August 16th – Shawnee MTD, Vienna
November 15th – ComWell, Red Bud
Terri Finn reminded agencies that during the February
15th conference call will include officer elections for Chair, Vice
Chair and Secretary.
Adjourn: Motion to adjourn at 11:35 a.m. by
Kari Docherty, 2nd by Mark Bollmann. Meeting adjourned.