Region 9: 2023 Meeting Minutes (6/8)


HSTP Region 9

June 8, 2023

Quarterly Meeting Minutes



Peggy Dunn

Macoupin Co. Public Transportation-Gillespie

Nathan Nichols

Central Il. Public Transit-Effingham

Sara Nollman-Hodge

South Central Transit-Centralia

Vicki Clift

South Central Transit-Centralia

Wendy Settles

IMPACT Center for Independent Living-Alton

Mike Egbert

Opportunities for Access Center for Independent Living-Mt. Vernon

Felica Voelkel

Glen Carbon Sr. Center-Glen Carbon

Derek Tiburzi

Macoupin Co. Public Transportation-Gillespie

Gerald McDonald

Tri-County Rural Transit-Jerseyville

Amy White

Tri-County Rural Transit-Jerseyville

Emily Jackson

Senior Services Plus-Alton

Andrea Boda

Il. Valley Rehab Center-Gillespie

Anessa Hart

Macoupin Center for the Developmentally Disabled-Carlinville

Kimberly Wing

Macoupin Center for the Developmentally Disabled-Carlinville

Eric Robke

Community Link-Breese

Todd Nickel

Challenge Unlimited\Residential Options-Alton

Susan Thomas

Madison Co. Transit\Agency for Community Transit-Granite City

Sherry Hicks


Dave Fellows

Il. Law Enforcement Alarm System-Freeburg

Riley Anderson

Human Service Transportation Coordinator-Salem

Terri Finn

Human Service Transportation Coordinator-Salem

Call to Order- The Region 9 quarterly HSTP meeting was called to order at 11:06 by Chairperson Nathan Nichols at the Gillespie Civic Center.

Introductions – All those in attendance introduced themselves and announced their agency.

Approval of March 2023 meeting minutes – Motion by Mike Egbert, second by Wendy Settles.  Minutes approved with no additions or corrections.

Guest Speakers- Kim Wing & Anessa Hart from Macoupin Center for the Developmentally Disabled

Kim and Anessa gave a presentation on their agency services and programs. They shared information on their job coach program, day programming, the summer camp Camp Goodtimes, and shared a video.

The agency is funded only by fundraisers and donations.  It receives no DHS funding. 

Regional Plan – Terri Finn presented the added information to the Plan from the last meeting.  MCPT will be making some changes to its service.  More in-town routes will be added and less door-to-door with increased fares which will impact riders.  Derek Tiburzi also shared that they will be revising their transportation program including staffing changes. The agency is going through some growing pains. Medicaid billing was discussed as an issue.

Central IL Public Transit shard ARISE grant information.

SCT will be providing transit training for Community Link clients.

Transportation concerns – Staffing shortages and vehicles are still major concerns voiced by committee members.

Terri Finn discussed Region 11’s coordination and training efforts with schedulers from all 6 of the public transit agencies.  She asked this group if they would be interested in putting together something similar. All were interested. Terri will set up a meeting for the public providers.

The committee discussed CDL driver and DOT physicals that came up in the 5311 email group. IDOT should rule on sleep study issue, keep doing business as usual until IDOT rules on the issue.

General Discussion- IDOT updates – no new CVP updates

5311 and DOAP contracts are going out soon.

July 31st is the cut off to submit funding payment request for FY23.

Terri Finn and Riley Anderson are busy with 5310 reviews. They have 33 agency reviews to complete due to not being able to do reviews for the past 3 years.

Handout overview by Riley Anderson.  Several handouts available for the group. Including the quarterly TransReport from RTAC.

RTAC will be doing a driver training at Macoupin County Transit, Peggy will send out more information later.

Next meeting will be 9/21/2023 at the Glen Carbon Senior Center.  This is a rescheduled date due to a conflict with the annual IPTA conference.

Adjourn -A motion was made by Sherry Hicks and 2nd by Felicia Voelker to adjourn.  Motion carried.



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