Region 11: 2023 Meeting Minutes (8-16)


HSTP Region 11

Meeting Minutes

August 16, 2023



Ron Gorst

Shawnee Mass Transit-Vienna

Erin Kennedy

5 Star Industries-DuQuoin

Justin Johnson

South Central Transit-Centralia

Vicki Clift

South Central Transit-Centralia

Mike Egbert

Opportunities for Access Center for Independent Living-Mt. Vernon

Jimmy Leadingham

Jackson Co. Transit-Carbondale

Randy Goldsmith

Human Support Services-Waterloo

Mark Bollmann

ComWell-Red Bud

Robert Wilson

St. Clair Co. Transit District\Alternative Transportation Services-E. St. Louis 

Tunezia Badger

Spero Family Services-Mt. Vernon

Jesica Schlimme

Monroe-Randolph Transit-Sparta

Mark Beare

Monroe-Randolph Transit-Sparta

Jon Douglas

LINC, Inc. Center for Independent Living-Swansea 

Riley Anderson

Asst. Human Service Transportation Coordinator-Salem

Terri Finn

Human Service Transportation Coordinator-Salem


Call to order: The quarterly HSTP meeting was called to order at 11:06a.m. by Jimmy Leadingham. 

Introductions: All attendees introduced themselves and their agencies.

Approval of May 2023 Meeting Minutes: Minutes from the previous meeting were reviewed.  No additions or corrections.  Motion to approve by Robert Wilson, seconded by Mark Bollman.  Motion approved.

Regional Plan:  The Committee was asked to report any activities that have been done towards meeting needs and closing gaps listed in the Plan.  Jesica Schlimme gave an update on Monroe-Randolph’s St. Clair County routes as well as the new Go Local program that gives municipalities an opportunity to invest in public transit. 

Ron Gorst has presentations set up with local business and community leaders and encouraged Committee members to find the decision-makers in their communities.  A presentation to a community college increased riders from 5 students to 23 students.  He also encouraged thinking outside of the box to attend various events to showcase public transit services. 

Vicki Clift added that SCT is also attending various events such as senior fairs.

Guest speaker: Marcia Hayes, Community Engagement from Arrowleaf.  Arrowleaf is an agency that provides overarching Behavioral Health programs and Community Collaboration.  Some of the 25+ programs include Adult Outpatient Mental Health, Supportive Housing, CILA, Substance Use Prevention Services, and Community Youth Services.  The agency covers seven counties from mental health, depression, anxiety, group and CILA homes, transition housing, assisted living, recovery housing, homeless, and pantries.  Arrowleaf was the first grocery store-style pantry in the state.  The agency will be opening a café in the fall that hires people with disabilities including veterans.  Arrowleaf is always hiring because they are always growing.  Also working with Tri State Foods with their mobile food pantry to deliver food to remote locations. 

Transportation Concerns:  Robert discussed SCCTD agreement with Enterprise Leasing.  SCCTD will be receiving 5 new lease vehicles, funded with DOAP funds.  They will also be receiving 10 more from Midwest Transit.  Midwest Transit still has 10 vehicles available currently.  

Adam Lach discussed an opportunity to partner with Michigan DOT to order from their contract, but the process may be long and difficult.  A recent conversation with Zoe Keller gave some light at the end of the tunnel, with an estimated IDOT contract at the end of November ‘23 with delivery at the end of 24.

General Discussion: Terri Finn announced that Debra King (retired RIDES staff) is looking for volunteer agencies and vehicles to shuttle veterans from Marion to the Williamson Co. airport in intervals on 9/26 for the Honor Flight Dinner.  Contact Terri Finn for more information.  Shawnee MTD offered their assistance.

IDOT updates – no updates. 

Handouts – Riley Anderson went over multiple handouts.

Next Meeting – November 15 at ComWell in Red Bud at 11:00 AM.

Adjourn: Motion to adjourn at 11:54 was made by Ron Gorst and seconded by Mike Egbert. 

Shawnee MTD invited everyone to stay for lunch.


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