Region 9: 2023 Meeting Notice (12/14)


******MEETING NOTICE******

IDOT HSTP Region 9 Meeting

Thursday, December 14, 2023

11:00 am

Via Zoom


The next Region 9 IDOT Human Service Transportation Planning Committee meeting will be on Zoom at 11:00 a.m. I will be sending out an email with a link to the zoom meeting. In case you do not receive the email, below is the information needed to access the zoom by phone.  

To call in to the zoom use: +1 309 205 3325. The meeting ID is: 639 698 1110. Passcode is: 9520234.

We will continue our discussion on meeting needs and narrowing the transportation gaps in our region as addressed in the Regional Plan.

The agenda is on the reverse side. If you would like to see something added to the agenda, please let one of us know as soon as possible. Please come ready to offer to host next year’s region meetings!

If you received this notice and are not the primary contact for transportation services in your organization, please forward this to the appropriate person or contact me with any changes. As per CVP contracts, all 5310 recipients are required to attend HSTP meetings.

We hope everyone had a fun filled Thanksgiving and are getting excited for Christmas!


Terri Finn                                                                                 Riley Anderson

Human Services Transportation Coordinator                         Assistant Human Services Transportation Coordinator     


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