Region 11: 2024 Meeting Minutes (8/21)


HSTP Region 11

Meeting Minutes

May 15th

Ron Gorst

Shawnee Mass Transit District - Vienna

Mike Pietrowski

Shawnee Mass Transit District - Vienna

Tony Jackson

Shawnee Mass Transit District – Vienna

Mike “Spud” Egbert

Opportunities for Access Center for Independent Living in Mt. Vernon

Chase Hileman

Rural Health, Inc. – Anna (Guest Speaker)

Sherri Bassen

South Central Transit – Centralia

Jamie Downer

South Central Transit – Centralia

Jimmy Leadingham

Jackson County Mass Transit District – Carbondale

Darla Harris

Jackson County Mass Transit District – Carbondale

Robert Wilson

Alternative Transportation Services – East St. Louis

Howard Penrod

Arrowleaf – Vienna

Ian Pierce

Fire Star Industries – Du Quoin

Mark Bollman

ComWell – RedBud

Jesica Gentry-Schlimme

Monroe Randolph Transit District – Sparta

Mark Beare

Monroe Randolph Transit District – Sparta

Randy Goldsmith

Human Support Services – Waterloo

Tunezia Badger

Spero Family Services – Mt. Vernon

Elizabeth Daniels

Epilepsy Foundation of Greater Southern Illinois – Belleville

Riley Anderson

Assistant Human Service Transportation Coordinator – Salem

Terri Finn

Human Service Transportation Coordinator – Salem


Call to Order: The quarterly HSTP meeting was called to order by Chairperson, Jimmy Leadingham, at 11:01 a.m.

Introductions: All attendees introduced themselves and their agencies.

Approval of August 2024 Meeting Minutes: The minutes from the previous meeting were reviewed. No additions or corrections. Motion to approve by Mike Egbert, seconded by Robert Wilson.

Guest Speaker: Chase Hileman from Rural Health, Inc. in Anna was the guest speaker. He shared information about Rural Health and the services they offer. Rural Health has a location in Anna, Goreville, Metropolis, Dongola, and Vienna. Rural Health is a private, non-profit business and turns no one away because of income. The clinics offer a wide array of general services including Family Medical, OB/GYN, Behavioral health, and general dentistry. Rural Health also offers their clients travel vouchers to travel to and from their appointments. Rural Health’s Anna and Metropolis locations are the clinics with the most transportation issues. Ranging from complaints of patients who can’t afford public fares, long wait times for pick up after appointments, no evening service for medical appointments, etc. Chase Hileman was able to engage in discussion about transportation with the group including the providers in their service area. The discussion included routes, scheduling, and Medicaid transportation providers.

Regional Plan: Riley Anderson presented the Regional Plan updates to the group. Terri mentioned that this will be the last update to the plan as the quarter is ending. The process to start the new Regional Plan will be starting soon. It was noted that there is a long turnaround of IDOT vehicles and there is a need of vehicles. The cost of maintaining old vehicles and keeping them running has become a strain on the public transit/human service agencies.

Transportation Concerns: Shawnee MTD has transfer chairs on vehicles. This has led to concerns of falling and riders not wanting their scooters secured as to cause damage. There was a discussion on other agencies rules/guidance/policy/procedure. JCMTD & Shawnee MTD talked about power chair/scooter transfer issues along with seatbelt and restraint refusals.

General Discussion:

IDOT Updates – No IDOT personnel present. Terri mentioned CVP applications. There will be no new applications this year. Terri also mentioned that if your agencies information changes i.e. email, contact info, to email Zoe Keller, at IDOT and let her know so that Blackcat can be updated. Riley reminded the public transit agencies to complete the survey that Zoe Keller from IDOT shared in the 5311-email group. The survey is to find what types of vehicles will best serve your community. The deadline is Monday, May 20th.

Handouts/Resource Materials – Riley went through the handouts.

Next Meeting – The next meeting is August 21st at the Epilepsy Foundation of Greater Southern Illinois in Belleville at 11:00 a.m.

Adjourn: Ian Pierce motioned to adjourn at 11:53 a.m. and Robert Wilson seconded the motion.



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