Region 9 Meeting Mintues

Region 9 Meeting
Tuesday May 18, 2010 @ 1:00p
Jarvis Township Senior Citizens Center

Troy, Illinois 62294

Meeting minutes




Lindsey Holtz

Region 9 HSTP Coordinator

Elton Trojniar

Region 9 HSTP Coordinator

Cindy Doyle

Illinois Valley Senior Center

Kathy Malloy


David Riegel

FAYCO/Fayette Co. Board

Susan Thomas


Joe Domer


John Edmondson


Fran Smith

Jarvis Township Senior Center

Sherry Brendel

Jarvis Township Senior Center

Peggy Dunn

Macoupin County PHD

Anna Oestreich

Bond County

Vicki Clift


Sherri Bassen


Kiyeon Yoch

Area Agency on Aging

Jackie Kamp

Main Street Community Center

Kristie Warfel


Rachel Newsome

Illinois Center for Autism

Call to order @ 1:05 PM


HSTC Topics:
1:10p Region 9 Plan Overview

-CVP Update: John Edmondson

Regional Plan Review

1:15p Membership

-Reviewed Region 9 By-laws

· According to By-laws once a agency/establishment has missed consecutive meetings, they will be classified as “inactive members” and their voting rights shall be suspended.

· Committee voted on Lewis and Clark Community College to suspend voting rights until they attend future consecutive meetings.

o Motion to classify Lewis and Clark Community College “inactive members”- Susan Thomas

o Second- Anna Oestreich

o Motion Carried

Regional Plan Review

1:20p Gaps and Strategies

-Went through each Regional Gap and discussed agency changes and progress Region 9 has made to address these Gaps.

· Discussion of MCT and Bond County adding new routes into Edwardsville in the future.

o It was found that people in community still need to show interest in these routes in order to be established.

· Updates were made to MCT’s service hours.

· Updates were made to SCT’s service hours.

· Macoupin County has rides going into Springfield and has the potential to develop more routes once Primer Process is complete.

· Bond County is looking into connecting with a park-and-ride in the Highland area.

Discussion went until 2:00p it was decided to address the Strategies in the next Regional Meeting

2:00p Break

Shared Perspectives/Regional Issues

2:05 How public transportation should be defined and measured: John Edmondson

-It has been found that FTA doesn’t give clear guidelines for public transit service.

-Gave examples of 5307 and 5311 grantees.

-Purpose of rural transit target disabled, low-income, and elderly populations.

· Opened floor for discussion and questions.

· Moved onto Case Studies, the committee gave there opinion on what should be changed and ideas that FTA could use for guidelines to address 5311 funding guidelines.

-Case Study 1

· Believed it wasn’t public transportation service

· Vehicles were not marked clearly to show service to public

· Vehicle label currently discourages public use and target specifically to a senior center

· An idea would be to create a “Brand Name” to differentiate local agencies from public transportation service

· Maybe have FTA create service hour guidance

-Case Study 2

· Not public transit

· Too many trips cater to specialized clients

· Survey of entire county about service needs

· Develop an awareness of service survey

· Need to get the county to contract with different providers

· Apply statistical analysis to organizations to measure revenue service vs. hours

-Case Study 3

· Scheduling should be open

· Marketing is too limited

· No trip prioritizations should be allowed for general public transit

-General Notes

· “Should there be a planning requirement?”

o No consensus on this question, different agencies see themselves differently and operate differently. Metrics will always be different depending on geography.

3:00p Open floor for Questions

3:05p Adjourn


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