Region 9 HSTP Committee Meeting Minutes
Sept. 15, 2011

Susan Thomas
Agency for Community Transit (ACT)
Joe Domer
Agency for Community Transit (ACT)
Kathy Malloy
IVEDC\Il. Valley Sr. Center
Carrie Viehweg
CEFS\Central Il. Public Transit
David Riegel
FAYCO\Fayette Co. Board
Barb Nelson
Community Link
Cathy Howlett-West
Rachel Newsome
Il. Center for Autism
Kim Taylor
Kimberly Rogers
Macoupin Center for the Developmentally Disabled
Missy Kichline
Peggy Dunn
Macoupin Co. Public Transit
Jaime Blatti
HSTP Coordinator
Terri Finn
HSTP Coordinator

The meeting was called to order & everyone introduced themselves.  Jaime Blatti, the new HSTP Coordinator, gave a brief introduction of herself and her background. 

Sub-Committee Reports- Plan Review-Kim Taylor & Terri Finn updated the committee with the progress they are making.  Most census information has been obtained with the exception of disability data which does not seem to be available.  Updates to the ‘Provider Profile’ section need to be made as new members Community Link, Il. Valley Sr. Citizens, Macoupin Center for the Dev. Disabled, OFA, and FASTT have not yet been included in the Plan.  Bethany Place will need to be contacted to find out if they are still going to be a member of the committee.   Terri will be contacting these agencies.   
Gaps\Needs\Strategies- Susan Thomas provided notes from the sub-committees last meeting and went over the changes that the committee made to address the needs of all riders throughout Region 9.   There was discussion about fixed routes, night\weekend routes, marketing the routes, fees & mobility training.  The temporal gaps\strategies should address the issues of running routes longer hours and distances as well as the costs to maintain such routes.  Each agency was asked to bring their vehicle fleet information.  This information will be used in strategizing coordination efforts & as a tool to help the committee make informed decisions during the CVP application endorsement process.  Everyone was in agreement that the 4 gaps\needs and the strategies introduced today will be implemented into the Regional Plan after minor adjustments are made (by the sub-committee) and voted on at the next Region 9 HSTP meeting.

Election of Officers- A suggestion was made to do an online election since not all of the agencies eligible to vote or be voted on were in attendance today.  Terri will compile a list of the eligible agencies and contact person from each agency then send an email to the members of the committee to reply their vote for Chairperson, Co-Chairperson & Secretary. 

General Discussion- Resource materials were provided by Terri & Jaime.  Jaime discussed the HSTP blog and invited everyone to visit it.  She is updating it almost daily with various transportation information.  The Coordinators would like to see it be used for community events that committee members are involved in but would need the committee’s help by providing information to be posted.  The Coordinators are also planning to have a ‘Spotlight’ section & also a mobility training\marketing tool for the providers and agencies that would include a focus on transit riders, video of how to use the transit system and any other ways the committee would like to see the blog used. 
An update was given on Calhoun, Greene & Jersey counties efforts to get public transit up and running.  These counties are in Phase 3 of the Primer Process and could possibly have a system in place by next summer.

The next Region 9 HSTP Committee meeting will be held on Dec. 9th at 11:00 with a location to be determined.

Meeting adjourned.  



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