Region 10 Meeting Minutes 12/13/11

Region 10 Meeting Minutes
December 13th, 2011

Meeting was called to order by Jaime Blatti shortly after 11:00am.
Introductions were made by all attendees.

Mike Brown, Charleston Transitional Facility
Bill Jung, RIDES MTD
Arnold Herman, Lawrence\Crawford Assoc.
Nancy Travis, Clay County Rehab
Gidget Simpson, CILA Corp.
Debra Staggs, RIDES Mass Transit
Kristie Warfel, CEFS
Lindsey Holtz, ECCOA Senior Services
Libby Riggs, Marion County Horizon
Michael “Spud” Egbert, Opportunities for Access
John Edmonson, IDOT
Roger Petrashek, Lawrence County Ambulance Service
Yvonne DeKnikker, SEI AAA
Rita Palmer, SEI AAA
Phil Blair, Edwards City Council on Aging
Stacy Legg, Frontier Community College
Debbie Clark, Jasper County Health Department

Jaime asked the committee if everyone had received the latest version of the HSTP and if anyone had questions, comments, or concerns. It was mentioned that in the past progress was slow and appears that much progress was currently being made. Jaime then asked for a motion to approve the plan, Mike Brown made a motion that was seconded by Bill Jung. All present approved the 2011 HSTP.

Jaime discussed how the HSTP Coordinators were working with Dennis Presley who focuses on medical transportation at Southern Illinois University via an IDOT grant. This initiative is incorporated in the HSTP as one of Region 10’s gaps. Also discussed was My Trip Mobility Management. My Trip is a toolbox that can be utilized to increase ridership through education. The HSTP Coordinators can perform travel training for riders or for agencies that have clients that may need to ride public transportation. Two agencies agree to invite the coordinators to travel train, Stacy Legg at Frontier Community College and Arnold Herman at Lawrence AEC.

HSTP Region 10 had three subcommittees that included, Mission Statement, Plan Review, and Gap/Needs/Strategies. Both the Mission Statement and Plan Review Subcommittees have fulfilled their obligations. Jaime requested that more attendees participate in the Gaps and Needs Subcommittee moving forward in which will benefit these members with their agencies transportation needs. The new Gaps and needs Subcommittee includes; Bill Jung, Mike Brown, Arnold Herman, Kristy Warfel, Stacy Legg, and Michael “Spud” Egbert.

Next, The JARC, New Freedom, and Inner City Bus grants were discussed. The call for these projects will be January 15, 2012. John Edmonson of IDOT thoroughly explained each funding source in detail. Questions by the committee were answered by IDOT. Definitions of each funding source are disclosed in the 2011 HSTP. It is important to know that Inner City Bus applications are for new projects only and JARC and New Freedom must be endorsed by the committee. Each application is to be submitted to Jaime Blatti, HSTP Coordinator by February 22, 2012. Bill Jung of RIDES MTD asked the committee if they could share any job related transportation with him so he could communicate that within his grant applications. Although IDOT is not positive when CVP applications will be accepted, John Edmonson was confident that the call will be in the spring of 2012. Jaime reminded the committee that in order to receive vehicles from the CVP Program, the agencies must be participating in the Regional Committee Meetings and coordinating transportation.

Jaime encouraged all present to continue visiting the HSTP Blog site at Jaime post information that can be beneficial to the Region including transportation grants, news, additional funding sources, and coordination initiatives. Closing discussions included setting a date for the next meeting which will be on Wednesday March 14th, 2012. The group would like the next meeting to be held in Olney.

Meeting was adjourned.


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