Region 9 HSTP Meeting

******MEETING NOTICE******
IDOT HSTP Region 9 Meeting
Wednesday June 13, 2012
11:00 AM
Foundation for Autism Services Today & Tomorrow (FASTT)
500 E. Division St. 
Maryville, Il.62062

The next meeting for the Region 9 IDOT Human Service Transportation Planning Committee will be held on Wednesday June 13th, 11:00am at FASTT.  This meeting will be focused on the recent HSTP survey that you received & coordination within the region.

There will be opportunity for open discussion on anything members of the committee would like to address.  The agenda is attached & if you would like to see something added, please let us know as soon as possible. 

If you received this notice and are not the primary contact for transportation services in your organization, please forward this to the appropriate person or contact us with any changes.
 Terri Finn  & Jaime Blatti
  Human Services Transportation Coordinators 

HSTP Region 9
June13, 2012 Agenda

I.                    Call to order

II.                  Introductions

III.                HSTP Survey
·         Results Handout
·         Discussion

IV.                Coordination
·         Region 9 Agency Handout
·         Share Stories
·         How Can Coordination Get Better-Open Discussion

V.                  Grant Updates
·         Applicants, Projects, Endorsements

VI.                General Discussion
·         Mobility Management\Travel trainings
·         Open Discussion
·         Date & Location for Next meeting
VII.              Adjourn


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