Human Service Transportation Plan
Region 10 Meeting Minutes
June 20th, 2012

1. Meeting was called to order by Arnold Herman at 11:03am
2. Introductions were made by all attendees.
Shannon Rogers
Charleston Transitional Facility
Bill Jung
Arnold Herman
Lawrence\Crawford Assoc.
Gidget Simpson
CILA Corp.
Debra Staggs
RIDES Mass Transit
Stacy Legg
Frontier Community College
Lisa Agee
Marion County Horizon/ Prairie Estates
Phil Blair
Edwards City Council on Aging
Mark Auten
Rae Williams
Rhonda Harris
Clay County Rehab Center
Christina Brisnke
Jaime Blatti
Terri Finn

1. The meeting was opened by Jaime Blatti, HSTP Coordinator who welcomed everyone to the meeting. She then formally announced to the group that this would be her final meeting. Ms. Blatti has recently accepted a new position as the Executive Director of Lee-Ogle Transportation System. Jaime will be missed by the Committee.
2. Next, the Committee discussed the results of the HSTP Survey that had been distributed by the Coordinators. It showed that in general the Committee felt we were on track and making progress and quarterly meetings was suitable as opposed to meeting more often. The results of the survey would be how the future agendas will be composed including suggestions from the open ended questions.
3. The next topic for discussion was the roles and responsibilities between human service providers and transit agencies. A handout was given to review/discuss. Coordination between the two agencies is an effort to be had by both parties and working together is imperative was stressed.
4. There was a group discussion about the current situation in Clay County.  Jaime Blatti gave the group an update on a meeting that was held in Clay County, with interested parties, after issues arose from the CVP application meeting.         
a. Rhonda Harris from Clay County Rehab was asked to speak about a coordination problem she was having and how it was resolved. Clay County Rehab needed CIPT to pick up clients at 3:30 as opposed to 2pm which they were currently doing. Kevin Bushue was able to work with Rhonda to satisfy her current needs. This was a success from the meeting.
b. Rhonda Harris also discussed her agencies interest participating as a 5311 Public Transportation Provider in Clay County. She has formally submitted a letter to Shelby County (who is the grantee for Clay County per an intergovernmental agreement), Clay County Board, IDOT/DPIT, and HSTP. Her participation must be awarded per FTA guidelines. This new service will give Clay County increased access to transportation and will better utilize CCR vehicles.
5. Vehicle sharing and leasing was discussed by the group and led by RIDES MTD. Bill Jung discussed how and why leases are possible. Debra Staggs let the group know that if they were interested in viewing a lease she would be more than happy to share one with them.
6. The HSTP Coordinators have been working on putting together an agency inventory including contacts for all transportation providers and resources. This list will be distributed in the near future.
7. Next, the committee discussed drivers training including DHS regulations and OIG Trainings. Rhonda Harris announced her agency is hosting an upcoming training for OIG Rule 50, at no charge, on July 31st from 9am-4pm in Flora Illinois at Anthony’s Restaurant.
8. An update about St. Clair County was presented. The survey has been distributed by the RMTN\SIU-C and a large number of responses have been collected.  The data will be tabulated and presented to the group on or before the next Committee Meeting.
9. Jaime and Terri also discussed that Carbondale and surrounding cities have been deemed Urbanized as of the 2012 census data. The changes in funding and service were discussed. This change will affect RIDES MTD in Williamson County and Jackson County in Region 11.
10. As always, the Coordinators discussed Mobility Management trainings and whoever is interested can contact Terri Finn for more information. The trainings are customized to fit the needs of your agency, staff, clients, or single person.
11. Open discussion occurred on the following topics:
            a. Bill Jung with RIDES MTD was interested in beginning the conversation about next years grant opportunities and start evaluating where JARC/NF applications would benefit Region 10 the most.
            b. Dennis Presley spoke about the initiatives the RMTN is currently working on. He stressed the current misuse of emergency transportation and how through education his initiatives will encourage better utilization of public transportation for non-emergency medical transportation.
12. Finally, Jaime discussed the important topics for next meeting. These included having a deeper conversation about the current lack of transportation in Clay County which requires the presence of CIPT management and identifying where night service, JARC, NF would be most beneficial.

The meeting was adjourned by Arnold Herman, LCAEC at 12:49


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