Region 11: 2014 Meeting Minutes (2/12)

HSTP Region 11
Quarterly Meeting Minutes
February 12, 2014

Doug Wood
Human Support Services
Jesica Gentry
Monroe-Randolph Transit
Sheila Niederhofer
South Central Transit
Vickie Clift
South Central Transit
Randy Barrow
South Central Transit
Debra King
Rides MTD
Mike ‘Spud’ Egbert 
Opportunities for Access CIL
Tommy Aubuchon
Epilepsy Foundation of Greater S. Il.
Jim Schnipper
SAVE, Inc.
John Childs
5 Star Industries
Tammy Asbury
Gold Plate Program
Corky Longshor
Gold Plate Program
Rachael Pawlak
East-West Gateway MPO-St. Louis
Kimberly Spears
Vintage Support Group
Mike Grawe
Support Systems & Service
April Blount
Challenge Unlimited\Residential Options
William Grogan
St. Clair Co. Transit
Patty Evansco
Millstadt Township Sr. Services
Valerie Jones
The H Group
Mark Bollmann
Human Service Center
Jeremy Biggerstaff
United Methodist Children’s Home
Dan Boehmer
Comprehensive Connections
Terri Finn
HSTP Coordinator

The quarterly HSTP Region 11 meeting, held at the St. Clair Co. Health Dept. in Belleville, was called to order at 11:13am by Chairperson Mark Bollmann.  Introductions were done by all attending. 

The meeting minutes from December 2013 were reviewed.  Motion made by Bill Grogan and 2nd by Sheila Niederhofer to approve the minutes.  Motion carried.

Changes to the Region 11 HSTP Plan were reviewed.  Terri Finn had asked that further changes be emailed to her before today’s meeting, including the Provider Inventory’s for each provider.  Jesica Gentry suggested a goal, to the Gaps & Needs sections, be to educate providers that public transportation is for everyone not just client based services, elderly, disabled or low income.  A final draft of the Plan will be emailed to everyone before the next meeting so that the Plan may be approved at that time.

May is National Transportation Month.  The HSTP Coordinator provided flyers on various activities that could be done to promote transit.
The Jackson Co. Primer Process is currently at a standstill as the Jackson Co. Transit’s Director, Frank Mulholland, has resigned and was the Team Leader for the process group.    

Sheila Niederhofer updated the Committee on progress with MedTrans.  They have hired a Director and hope to be up and running in April.  They have office space on the SIU-C Campus.

Terri Finn informed the Committee that a new website that Mike Healy, CVP Section Chief, has developed to keep everyone updated on anything CVP, including vehicle deliveries.  The site is  Terri said that the 2014 CVP applications should be released soon and providers should receive an email of this notification\release date.  Grant applications and the process for applying will be done differently this year.  There will be an application training in Springfield in March and any agency planning to apply should send a staff person to the training.

Committee members were told that most likely the next quarterly meeting will be an endorsement voting meeting on CVP applications.  If members have not taken the OMA test on the Attorney General’s website, see Terri Finn for information.

The next meeting will be held on May 14th. MRT will host in Sparta with the location to be announced soon.

A motion was made by Mark Bollmann and 2nd by Bill Grogan to adjourn.  Meeting adjourned at 12:10pm.

Approved by Committee on 5\14\14 


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