Region 11: 2023 Meeting Minutes (2/15)


HSTP Region 11

February 15, 2023

Meeting Minutes



Mark Bollmann

ComWell-Red Bud

Ron Gorst

Shawnee Mass Transit District-Vienna

Mike Egbert

Opportunities for Access CIL-Mt. Vernon

Jesica Schlimme

Monroe-Randolph Transit-Sparta

Anne Riley

Human Support Services-Waterloo

Mike Pietrowski

Shawnee Mass Transit District-Vienna

Jimmy Leadingham

Jackson Co. Mass Transit District-Carbondale

David Maziarz

Il. Dept. of Transportation-Springfield

Jeffrey Drake

Rides Mass Transit-Harrisburg

Ben Simpson

Senior Adult Services-Carbondale

Tunezia Badger

Spero Family Services-Mt. Vernon

Ian Pierce

5 Star Industries-DuQuoin

Randy Goldsmith

Human Support Services-Waterloo

Jon Douglas

LINC, Inc.-Swansea

Sherri Bassen

South Central Transit-Centralia

Tammy Asbury

Gold Plate Senior Center-DuQuoin 

Melissa Theiss

East-West Gateway Council of Governments-St. Louis

Debbie Holsapple

Comprehensive Connections-Mt. Vernon

Rachel Newsome

Il. Center for Autism-Fairview Heights

Mario Fennoy

JTC Academy-Centreville

Elizabeth Daniels

Epilepsy Foundation of Greater Southern Il.-Belleville

Joe Edwards

Touchette Hospital-Centreville

Doug Downey

Il. Emergency Management-Fairview Heights

Cindy Cookson

Caritas Family Solutions-Belleville

Riley Anderson

HSTP Assistant Coordinator-Salem

Terri Finn

HSTP Coordinator-Salem


Call to Order\Roll Call – The quarterly HSTP meeting was called to order at 11:02 a.m. by Jimmy Leadingham. A roll call was done to verify attendance.   

Approval of November 16, 2022, Meeting Minutes – No additions or corrections, motion by Mario Fennoy, 2nd by Ian Pierce to accept and approve the minutes. Motion approved.

Region 11 Coordination Efforts – Terri Finn asked the meeting attendees for their thoughts on different meeting formats. (ie; human service providers meeting separate from the public providers possibly once yearly and/or Regions 9, 10 & 11 meeting together). Agency feedback was positive and most agree it would be beneficial.

Regional Plan: Discussed efforts being made to close gaps and meet the needs of the riders in our region - Terri Finn shared with the group the benefits of the new RTAC webpage which includes Illinois transit agency employment information and a map of the state where users can click on their county to reveal a link to the local transit agencies web page. Terri has emailed the RTAC link to everyone but can certainly forward it to anyone who may have missed it.

Terri Finn also mentioned the new two-sided Passenger Rules of the Ride card which Shawnee Mass Transit now has in circulation.

Updates identifying these efforts will be entered into the Regional Plan and submitted the first week of April.

Transportation Concerns: Agency updates/discussion – Mario Fennoy (JTC Academy) asked the group if any other agencies were experiencing ongoing maintenance issues with the Ford F350 and F250 vehicles. David Maziarz will reach out via email to Mario regarding this topic.

Ron Gorst asked the group if they had received an emailed notice from Benefit Access in regard to disabled and senior clients riding for free. After some discussion it was determined that this is the former Circuit Breaker and only applies to fixed route travel.  Jeffrey Drake stated that Rides does accept the Access card on some of their fixed routes.  Ben Simpson shared the following website for agencies to reference:

Agency Information/Updates – Ron Gorst invited agencies to join them for the Groundbreaking Ceremony for their new Union County Depot, Anna IL on March 15th at 10:00 am.

South Central Transit shared that they are promoting “Wear Green and Save Green” on Friday, March 17, 2023. Clients wearing green will ride for free on any SCT shuttle.

Ben Simpson & Terri Finn announced that Sr. Adult Services has 4 Minivans that they are working with Jeff Waxman to move as they will no longer be transporting clients but are working with Jackson Co. Transit on a service contract that will assist the seniors with their transportation needs.  Please email Terri Finn if your agency should have any interest in the minivans.

Handouts/Resource materials – Terri Finn emailed to the group attachments for Voices for Public Transit, 5310 CVP information from Zoe Keller, and the February 10, 2023 IPTA Rockford Legislative Report.

General Discussion:  Election of new officers: the following committee members volunteered for the 2-year terms – Chairperson: Jimmy Leadingham 

Vice-Chair: Mario Fennoy 

Secretary: Jesica Schlimme

Thank you to these volunteers!

Next meeting – May 17th at Spero Family Services in Mt. Vernon.

Adjourn: Motion to adjourn at 11:40 a.m. by Mario Fennoy, 2nd by Ben Simpson.  Meeting adjourned at 11:41.


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