Region 9: 2023 Meeting Minutes (3/9)


HSTP Region 9

March 9, 2023

Quarterly Meeting Minutes



Sara Hodge

South Central Transit-Centralia

Nathan Nichols

Central Il. Public Transit-Effingham

John Gilmore

Central Il. Public Transit-Effingham

Mike Egbert

Opportunities for Access\Center for Independent Living-Mt. Vernon

Eric Robke

Community Link-Breese

Justin Johnson

South Central Transit-Centralia

Susan Wild

Challenge Unlimited-Alton

Sherry Hicks


Felicia Voelker

Glen Carbon Sr. Center-Glen Carbon

Dave Maziarz

Il. Dept. of Transportation-Springfield

Gerald McDonald

Tri-County Rural Transit-Jerseyville

Jeanette Ackerman

Il. Valley Economic Development-Gillespie

Susan Thomas

Madison Co. Transit\Agency for Community Transit-Granite City

Riley Anderson

Human Service Transportation-Salem

Terri Finn

Human Service Transportation-Salem


Call to Order – The Region 9 quarterly HSTP meeting was called to order at 11:03 by Chairperson Sherry Hicks at the SCT Transportation Center in Centralia.

Introductions – All those in attendance introduced themselves and announced their agency.

Approval of December 2022 meeting minutes – Motion by Eric Robke, second by Jerry McDonald.  Minutes approved with no additions or corrections.

Guest Speaker – Sara Hodge gave a presentation about SCT services.  She stated that ridership is slowly increasing, and they are working to keep up with demand as drivers are still needed.  Sara also discussed Region 11’s coordination efforts and customer service training with schedulers from each of the public provider offices in that region.

Regional plan – The gaps and needs section was reviewed.  The main item reported is that staff\drivers are coming & going with the situation getting better. There was discussion about shared maintenance as many are having lift issues and this takes the vehicle out for an extended amount of time until a repair can be performed. 

This section of the Regional Plan will continue to be a working document that will be reviewed and updated at each meeting.

Transportation concerns - Dave Maziarz from IDOT asked the group what concerns they had about IDOT and said he would share any concerns with IDOT team. The HSTP Committee agreed that our partnership and working relationship with IDOT has greatly improved recently. Dave was thanked along with the other IDOT staff for answering calls and answering questions. Dave also said they are working on CVP vehicle procurement and 5311 payment issues.

Eric Robke had questions about training and how training could be expanded to involve more people.  Terri Finn informed Eric & others that when RTAC (Rural Transit Assistance Center) schedules a training at a local agency, she is informed and shares with the group via email of the training and details (date, time, location). At which time Sherry Hicks announced that FAYCO will be hosting a training on Saturday March 11. 

General Discussion - Group discussed employee shortage, Susan Thomas reported on the hiring of 25 drivers. They were able to avoid shutting down services and were now only 5 drivers down.

Some local agencies that have 5310 vehicles are deciding to give up their transportation services.  Jeff Waxman is working with those agencies to move vehicles to other entities that can best use them.

Region 9 officer elections – The following committee members either volunteered or were nominated to a 2-year term.

Chairperson – Nathan Nichols

Vice Chair – Sherry Hicks

Secretary – Sara Nollman-Hodge

Motion made by Eric Robke and 2nd by Susan Thomas to approve this slate of officers.  Motion carried.

Next meeting will be on June 8th with Macoupin County Transit hosting.  The exact location will be sent to everyone.

Adjourn – Motion was made by Nathan Nichols, 2nd by Sara Hodge.  Meeting adjourned at 11:52am.



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