December Region 11 HSTP Meeting Minutes.

IDOT Region 11 Human Services Transportation Plan (HSTP) JARC/NF meeting
Thursday, December 20th, 2007 @ 2:00PM
Dunn-Richmond Economic Development Center
Carbondale, IL

Meeting minutes




Sean Horn

Region 11 HSTP Coordinator

Seth Gunnerson

Region 11 HSTP Coordinator

Charlie York

South Central Transit

Richard Massie

Shawnee Community College

Jon Anderson

Shawnee Mass Transit

Karrie Sims

Shawnee Mass Transit

Holly Basting

Shawnee Mass Transit

Susan Odum

University of Illinois Extension Center

Debra Staggs

RIDES Mass Transit

Bill Jung

RIDES Mass Transit

John Derth

Egyptian Area Agency on Aging

Kim Guetersloh

Southern Illinois University Carbondale

Donald Emory

Jackson County Mass Transit District

Barbara Forbes

Welfare to Work of Southern Illinois

Jeff Ashauer

Perry County

Jerry King


Dava Shorb

Jackson County Mass Transit District

Call to order @ 2:05 PM

Sean Horn and Seth Gunnerson HSTP regional coordinators for region 11 as well as regions 9 and 10.
Attendees were asked to introduce themselves and who they represent.

New Business:
Introduction of HSTP presentation given by Seth Gunnerson

Regional Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats analysis lead by Seth Gunnerson
Regional Strengths identified:
All counties within the region have some type of transit available.
There are a number of willing and able transit providers in the region.
The regions transit providers all are willing to work with one another.
Regional Weaknesses identified:
Lack of funding.
There is a need for increased coordination.
There is a lack of available transportation to specialized locations such as health care providers.
There is no uniform policy among the providers.
Ability of providers to meet customers scheduling needs.
Providers are not always able to meet the needs of the most rural customers.
Regional Opportunities identified:
We need to ensure that all counties are receiving available funds.
Regional Threats identified:
Not enough downstate representation at the state level.

Potential projects identified to help solve some of these problems:
Interoperable radio systems for the regions providers.
Interactive software for online scheduling.
Alternative funding sources.
Client mapping resources (where are the clients in need?).

Discussion of JARC and New Freedom Programs: Sean Horn
An overview of JARC and New Freedom project requirements was given along with a walkthrough of the ranking process and score sheets.

JARC project presentations were given by:
Charlie York of South Central Transit
Holly Bastings of Shawnee Mass Transit
Monroe Randolph Mass Transit (no representative was present)

New Freedom project presentations were given by:
Karrie Simms of Shawnee Mass Transit

Following the presentations the projects were scored by those in attendance the breakdown of scores were as follows:

JARC Projects

1. Shawnee Mass Transit District 172.6 out of 180

2. South Central Mass Transit 157.5 out of 180

3. Monroe Randolph Transit 124.5 out of 180

New Freedom Projects

1. Shawnee Mass Transit District 144.9 out of 150

The top two projects from each category will be sent on to the State Oversight Committee for further review, evaluation and scoring.

The PowerPoint presentation will be emailed to all persons in attendance. All attendees can freely distribute the presentation to any interested parties.

Adjournment @ 4:35 PM

Handouts presented at meeting:
Region 11 kick off meeting minutes 11-16-2007.docx
HSTP Region 11 JARC-New Freedom Presentation 12-19-07.pptx


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