December Region 9 HSTP Meeting Minutes.

Below are the minutes from the December 16, 2007 Region 9 HSTP Meeting in Alton, IL

IDOT Region 9 Human Services Transportation Plan (HSTP) JARC New Freedom Meeting
Monday, December 16th, 2007 @ 2:00PM
Challenge Unlimited Inc., Alton, IL

Meeting minutes




Sean Horn

Region 9 HSTP Coordinator

Seth Gunnerson

Region 9 HSTP Coordinator

Sylvia Mahle

Midland Area Agency on Aging

Laurine Hamm

Challenge Unlimited

Susan Thomas


Joe Domer


Anna Oestreich

Bond County Senior Center

Jill Franks

Bond County Board

Chris Genke

Community Link – Clinton County

Barb Nelson

Community Link – Clinton County

Gary Stahlhut

Madison County

Donna Mitchell

Area Agency on Aging for Lincolnland

Kim Taylor

FAYCO Enterprises, Inc.

Kathy Haberer

Lewis and Clark Community College

Crystal Catchings

Area Agency on Aging of Southwestern IL

Paul Joseph

City of Highland

Karen Adams

Senior Services Plus

Susan Cooper

Senior Services Plus

Kent Tarro

Macoupin County Public Health

Call to order @ 2:05 PM

Sean Horn and Seth Gunnerson HSTP regional coordinators for region 9 as well as regions 10 and 11.
Attendees were asked to introduce themselves and who they represent.

New Business:
Due to time constraints, the JARC presentation was moved to the beginning of the meeting and since there were no New Freedom projects for the region, the New Freedom portion of the presentation was skipped.

JARC overview and project scoring guidelines: Sean Horn
Bond County
JARC presentation: Anna Oestreich
Challenge Unlimited JARC presentation: Laurine Hamm

The projects were then ranked by members in attendance. The results were as follows:

1 Challenge Unlimited 151.8 out of 180
2 Bond County 143.6 out of 180

Both projects will be submitted to the state oversight committee for further review and ranking.

HSTP Plan Development: Seth Gunnerson

Strength Weakness Opportunity Threat (SWOT) Analysis

Strengths identified:
Madison county has strong services
Macoupin county has 5311 funds available
Lots of providers
Training available

Weaknesses identified:
Different levels of quality to services
Large number of individual trip generators
population very spread out
lack of information
low county involvement

Threats identified:
Rising costs

The PowerPoint presentation will be emailed to all persons in attendance. All attendees can freely distribute the presentation to any interested parties.

Adjournment @ 4:30 PM


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