Meeting Minutes for Region 10 HSTC Meeting
Time: 1pmWhere: Olney Public Library
8 people representing 8 Agencies attended
Organization Name
- HSTP Coordinator Reg. 10 Seth Gunnerson
- HSTP Coordinator Reg. 10 James Patrick
- CEFS/CIPT Kristie Warfel
- Clay County Rehab Center Nancy Travis
- Jasper Co. Board Jim Weber
- Olney Central College Donita Kaare
- Effingham Co. Board Carolyn Willenburg
- Charleston Transitional Fac. Mike Brown
- Lawrence Crawford Assoc. Arnold Herman
- Rides Mass Transit Bill Jung
The agenda was presented
- • Fleets and quality of Maintenance was discussed. Provider’s report having trouble getting replacement vehicles quick enough.
- • Many vehicles spend a lot of time down and needing minimum of 5000 dollars a year in maintenance.
- • A member stated again that State and Federal government need to replace vehicle quicker or come up with a better system for replacement requirements.
Common road blocks to Coordination:
- A member stated that he is cooperative where there is need and it is feasible
- CEFS is still in tight spot providing transportation on tighter dollars but will still do what is need to provide the transportation needs of Effingham County
- Finding pools of applicants not hard
- Finding quality drivers that will stay is difficult. Most providers tapping retired, secondary income market
- Pay is usually slightly above minimum wage with some as high as 14 dollars per hour
Gaps in Service
- Evening/Weekend service has been suggested many providers are attempting pilot routes.
- Report funding is an issue but more pressure of night and weekend trips is growing. Especially in Saline county
- Still would like to have more technology and better software
- Trips to larger metro areas can be a large drain on Transit agencies
- That some fair is still too high to provide job access to DD and Elderly on consistent basis
- Hospital and other service providers need more education
- Better promotion of Services, but on advertisement dollars
- Better coordination of trips to save money of providers, but has improved
- Many providers would like to see a coordination website but report lack of use a an issue