Meeting Minutes for Region 10 HSTC Meeting
Time: 1pm
Where: Olney Public Library
8 people representing 8 Agencies attended
Organization Name
  • HSTP Coordinator Reg. 10 Seth Gunnerson
  • HSTP Coordinator Reg. 10 James Patrick
  • CEFS/CIPT Kristie Warfel
  • Clay County Rehab Center Nancy Travis
  • Jasper Co. Board Jim Weber
  • Olney Central College Donita Kaare
  • Effingham Co. Board Carolyn Willenburg
  • Charleston Transitional Fac. Mike Brown
  • Lawrence Crawford Assoc. Arnold Herman
  • Rides Mass Transit Bill Jung

The agenda was presented
  1. • Fleets and quality of Maintenance was discussed. Provider’s report having trouble getting replacement vehicles quick enough.
  2. • Many vehicles spend a lot of time down and needing minimum of 5000 dollars a year in maintenance.
  3. • A member stated again that State and Federal government need to replace vehicle quicker or come up with a better system for replacement requirements.

Common road blocks to Coordination:

  1. A member stated that he is cooperative where there is need and it is feasible
  2. CEFS is still in tight spot providing transportation on tighter dollars but will still do what is need to provide the transportation needs of Effingham County
  3. Finding pools of applicants not hard
  4. Finding quality drivers that will stay is difficult. Most providers tapping retired, secondary income market
  5. Pay is usually slightly above minimum wage with some as high as 14 dollars per hour

Gaps in Service
  1. Evening/Weekend service has been suggested many providers are attempting pilot routes.
  2. Report funding is an issue but more pressure of night and weekend trips is growing. Especially in Saline county
  3. Still would like to have more technology and better software
  4. Trips to larger metro areas can be a large drain on Transit agencies
  5. That some fair is still too high to provide job access to DD and Elderly on consistent basis
  6. Hospital and other service providers need more education
  7. Better promotion of Services, but on advertisement dollars
  8. Better coordination of trips to save money of providers, but has improved
  9. Many providers would like to see a coordination website but report lack of use a an issue


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