Region 9 HSTP Meeting Notes

Meeting Minutes for Region 9 HSTC Meeting

Time: 10:30a


18 people representing 13 Agencies attended:

Organization & Name

  • Fayco, David A. Riegel
  • Fayco, Kim Taylor
  • Bond County, Anna Oestriech
  • CEFS, Linda Mitchell
  • South Central Transit, Shelia Niederhofer
  • South Central Transit, Vicki Cliff
  • Macoupin County Health Dept., Peggy Dunn
  • Area Agency on Aging, Chris Sutton
  • Jarvis Township Senior Center, Sherry Brendel
  • Jarvis Township Senior Center, Fran Smith
  • Challenge Unlimited, Laurine Hamm
  • Illinois Center for Autism, Rachel Newsom
  • Beverly Farm ,Gil Young
  • YWCA Alton, Janet Jordan
  • YWCA Alton, Mary Cox
  • YWCA Alton, Patricia Perkins
  • ACT ,Susan Thomas
  • Epilepsy Foundation, Trudy Baxter

The agenda was presented

1. Fleets and quality of Maintenance was discussed. Provider’s report having trouble getting replacement vehicles quick enough,

2. Many vehicles spend a lot of time down and needing minimum of 5000 dollars a year in maintenance

Common road blocks to Coordination:

1. Vehicle sharing: many provider fear liability

2. Billing

3. Quality of service for elderly and D.D. providers


1. Finding pools of applicants not hard

2. Finding quality drivers that will stay is difficult. Most providers tapping retired, secondary income market

3. Pay is usually slightly above minimum wage with some as high as 14 dollars per hour

Gaps in Service

1. Evening/Weekend service has been suggested many providers are attempting pilot routes. Report funding is an issue but more pressure of night and weekend trips is growing. Especially in Saline county

2. Medical and Health discharges still an issue

3. Still would like to have more technology and better software

4. Trips to larger metro areas can be a large drain on Transit agencies

5. with the only new one being discussion of a Regional Maintenance

6. That some fair is still too high to provide job access to DD and Elderly on consistent basis

7. Hospital and other service providers need more education

8. Better promotion of Services, but on advertisement dollars

9. Better coordination of trips to save money of providers, but has improved

10. Many providers would like to see a coordination website but report lack of use a an issue


1. Many agencies would like to vehicle share if it was feasible

2. Most agencies or transportation providers do not have dormant vehicles

3. Would like to learn more about pool insurance

4. More dial a ride numbers

5. Need park a rides if more coordination will be possible

6. Cant market ahead of ability

7. Radio spots, websites, dial a rides


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