HSTP Region 9
CVP Voting\Endorsement Teleconference
April 23, 2012
The special meeting, via teleconference, for CVP voting was called to order at 9am.  The voting committee members and applicants in attendance were:
Barb Nelson
Community Link
Anna Oestreich
Bond Co. Transit
Linda Vidmar
Il. Valley Rehab Center-Gillespie
Lacey Miller
Il. Valley Rehab Center-Jerseyville
Kathy Malloy
Il. Valley Sr. Center
Kim Taylor
Kent Tarro
Macoupin Co. Transit
Sheila Niederhofer
South Central Transit
Vicki Clift
South Central Transit
Susan Thomas
Mike Egbert
Opportunities For Access
Christina Brishke
Vince Riti
Challenge Unlimited\Residential Options
Kathy Gregus
Tri-Cities Area Association for the Handicapped
Terri Finn
HSTP Coordinator
Jaime Blatti
HSTP Coordinator

Voting members that were absent were: Beverly Farm & Macoupin Center for the Developmentally Disabled.
The applicants:
Community Link, Bond Co. Sr. Center\Transit, Il. Valley Rehab-Gillespie & Jerseyville, Il. Valley Sr. Center, Tri-Cities Area Assoc. for the Handicapped, FAYCO, Macoupin Co. Health Dept.\Transit presented applications and fielded questions from the voting members about the requests for vehicles and the proposed uses.

Voting members were instructed to email their voting forms back to the HSTP Coordinators and everyone in attendance would be notified of the results after the votes are tallied. 

The meeting was adjourned at 10:05

**Meeting Note-All applications were endorsed & applications will be sent to IDOT\DPIT for the final phase of review.  


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