HSTP at the Ranger Station!

Human Services Transportation Plan
Region 11
Minutes of Meeting on June 5, 2012
Vienna, Il-Ranger Station

Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Jaime Blatti and Terri Finn at 11:00am.  A sign-in sheet was passed around and returned to Terri Finn, Regional Human Services Transportation Coordinator.  Everyone introduced themselves and announced the agency they represented.
Those in attendance were:
Tammy Asbury
Gold Plate Sr. Program
Ben Youther
Shawnee Mass Transit
Jeremy Biggerstaff
United Methodist Children’s Home
Delorse Minor-Cotto
Hazel Bland Promise Center
Sheila Niederhofer
South Central Transit
Susan Muszynski
Area Agency on Aging of Southwestern Il.
Dan Boehmer
Jefferson Co. Comprehensive Services
Donald Monty
Jackson Co. Mass Transit District
Maureen Mann
Shawnee Mass Transit
Jon Douglas
LINC inc.
Marilyn Hughes
LINC inc.
Frank Mulholland
Jackson Co. Mass Transit District
William Grogan
St. Clair Co. Transit
Mandy McIntosh
Debra Staggs
RIDES Mass Transit
Travis Taylor
Greater Egyptian Regional Planning Commission
James Lane
Touchette Hospital
Joann Valdez
Helping Hands Med Car
Mark Bollmann
Human Service Center
Jesica Pirtle
Monroe-Randolph Transit
Susan Engelhardt
Five Star Industries
Jim Schnipper
Terri Finn
HSTP Coordinator
Jaime Blatti
HSTP Coordinator
St. Clair Co. Update
Jaime Blatti discussed the assessment of need survey that recently went out to residents in St. Clair Co.  The Rural Medical Transportation Network (RMTN) mailed the survey the last week of May and residents were given a 6 week deadline to complete and return it to RMTN\SIU-C for the results will be tallied and the HSTP Committee will be updated on the results.  These results will be used for St. Clair Co. Transit, South Central Transit, the St. Clair Co. Board & IDOT to making various decisions about the expanded services.
Bill Grogan gave a brief update on his meeting with the Board Chairperson of ST. Clair Co., indicating the Chair was interested but cautious. He also indicated the Chair was interested in seeing the results of the survey prior to making any future decisions.

HSTP Survey  
The results of the HSTP survey, conducted by the Coordinators, were handed out.  The purpose of the survey was to determine if there was any way to improve HSTP services.  The group went over the results, noting that of all the committee members in 39 counties only 12 responded.  Generally, the respondents were happy with HSTP services in Region 11 and that the current meeting schedule was sufficient.  One area of concern to the Coordinators were some respondents comments that they were not comfortable sharing their opinions & that they didn’t feel their opinion was valued by the group.  Jaime & Terri asked that if anyone has an issue but isn’t comfortable bringing it to the group, let them know and they will bring the issue to the table so no one person feels singled out or has any repercussions for something they said.  The meetings are an open forum for everyone to feel welcome, be able to speak openly and candidly and work together to meet the needs of anyone needing transportation. In addition, the open ended responses’ and suggestions would be utilized on future agenda items to maximize HSTP services to agencies needs.

Grant Updates
The minutes of the CVP endorsement conference call were handed out, discussed and reviewed. It was noted to all agencies that may seek vehicles next year should be already thinking about there needs and contacting their transit provider. The coordinators encouraged all party’s to work together early to be ahead for next years grant cycle to avoid some set backs that occurred this year.

Vehicle Leasing
An informative presentation was given by Sheila Niederhofer regarding leasing and sharing of vehicles between agencies and districts.  The group then had Q&A time. It was proven that leasing vehicles is possible and beneficial to both parties.

General Discussion
Terri, Jaime & Frank Mulholland discussed a very successful travel training they had at Carbondale Community High School with graduating special needs students and others.  The 3 described the day’s presentation and how much the students seemed to enjoy the training.  Everyone was encouraged to contact the Coordinators to schedule Mobility Management trainings. See the newsletter for the complete story.

Jaime Blatti announced that this would be her last HSTP meeting as she has accepted new job as Executive Director of the Lee-Ogle Transit System (LOTS).  She starts work there on July 1st.  Everyone wished Jaime well.

The next meeting of HSTP Region 11 will be on Sept. 18th, 2012, in Carbondale with the exact location to be determined by Jackson Co. MTD Managing Director Frank Mulholland and notices will go out to everyone letting them know where we will meet.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:57            

A special thank you to Maureen Mann and Shawnee Mass Transit District for hosting the latest Region 11 HSTP Committee meeting at the new Shawnee Ranger Station in Vienna, Illinois!


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