Region 9 HSTP Quarterly Meeting
Wednesday June 13, 2012
Linda Vidmar
Il. Valley Rehab Center-Gillespie
Kathy Gregus
Tri-Cities Area Association for the
Handicapped-Granite City
Sheila Niederhofer
South Central Transit-Centralia
Vickie Clift
South Central Transit-Centralia
Cathy West
Donna Mitchell
Area Agency on Aging
Peggy Dunn
Macoupin Co. Public Transit-Gillespie
Barb Nelson
Community Link-Breese
Chris Markel
Beverly Farm-Godfrey
Kim Taylor
David Riegel
FAYCO\Fayette Co. Board-Vandalia
Kathy Malloy
Il. Valley Sr. Center-Jerseyville
Lacey Miller
Il. Valley Rehab Center-Jerseyville
Lois Clark
St. John’s Community Care-Collinsville
Dennis Presley
Rural Medical Transportation
Network-SIU Carbondale
Terri Finn
HSTP Coordinator-Salem
Jaime Blatti
HSTP Coordinator-Salem
The meeting was brought to order at 11:00am at the
Foundation for Autism Today & Tomorrow (FASTT) in Maryville.
Terri & Jaime provided the results of the HSTP survey
that they had sent out to everyone asking for suggestions on the direction the
HTSP Committee & meetings need to take-format, priorities, etc. Some of the suggestions and questions will be
included at each quarterly meeting.
Sheila Niederhofer (SCT) explained their format for
leasing vehicles from other agencies.
She stated that this has gone well for them and they have had no
problems with insurance or other liability issues. She passed out sample lease agreements and
mentioned that when SCT leases an agencies vehicle it is usually done for $1
and an agreement made that SCT would provide the transportation of the agencies
clients. Kim Taylor stated that the
question was originally needing answered was, how do agency’s lease a vehicle
when one is out of service for just a few days.
The suggestion was made to contact Southern Bus & Mobility in Breese
for leasing or contact the nearest transit provider for any assistance they may
have to offer.
Terri & Jaime discussed their difficult experience
with trying to find transportation for individuals in rural St. Clair &
Madison Co.’s. This led to discussion on
how coordination should work. It was
agreed that coordination of services will come more naturally as the HSTP
Committee members talk informally and get to know each other’s systems
better. This will be an ongoing agenda
item for the Committee & agencies will be asked to give examples of
coordination experiences, good or bad, as a way to try to improve efforts in
the region.
A list of Human Service agency’s and public transit
providers in Region 9 was distributed.
Any additions\deletions\corrections should be sent to Terri or
Jaime. It was agreed that the addition
of a contact name & phone number would be useful.
Dennis Presley (Rural Medical Transportation Network at
SIU-C) explained their project, which is funded by IDOT and is dedicated to
researching medical transportation issues, as well as collaboration with Emergency
Medical Service providers, transit agencies and health care providers to
resolve the deficiencies in the transportation system. There is a Medical Transportation Advocacy
Forum on Thursday, July 19th from 5:00-8:00pm in Carbondale. The goal of the forum is to provide a venue
for discussion of these issues and an opportunity to bring together
professionals in the field and the public officials who impact these issues.
The results of the CVP endorsement\voting teleconference
were disseminated. There were 7
applicants and 12 vehicles requested.
All applications were endorsed and applications will be sent to
IDOT\DPIT for the final phase of review.
Jaime announced to the Committee that she has accepted a
new job as the Executive Director of Lee-Ogle Transit System (LOTS). She is excited for the new adventure but sad
to leave.
The next regional meeting is scheduled for Wednesday
Sept. 19, 2012 at 11:00am at the South Central Transit training center in
The meeting was adjourned at 12:00pm