10, 2012
4:00 P.M. - 6:00 P.M.
District 2 Open House
District 2 Headquarters
819 Depot Ave., Dixon, IL
September 18, 2012
4:00 P.M. - 6:00 P.M.
District 8 Open House
Clinton County Board Room
850 Fairfax St., Carlyle, IL
September 18, 2012
4:00 P.M. - 6:00 P.M.
District 3 Open House
Peru City Hall
1901 W. 4th St. (US-6), Peru, IL
September 19, 2012
4:00 P.M. - 6:00 P.M.
District 7 Open House
Knights of Columbus
1501 W. Fayette Ave., Effingham, IL
September 20, 2012
4:00 P.M. - 6:00 P.M.
District 8 Open House
District 8 Headquarters
1102 Eastport Plaza Dr., Collinsville, IL
September 20, 2012
4:00 P.M. - 6:00 P.M.
District 7 Open House
Decatur Public Library
130 N. Franklin St., Decatur, IL
September 26, 2012
4:00 P.M. -6:00 P.M.
District 5 Open House
Champaign County Highway Building
1605 E. Main St., Urbana, IL
September 27, 2012
4:00 P.M. - 6:00 P.M.
District 4 Open House
District 4 Headquarters
401 Main St., Peoria, IL
October 2, 2012
3:00 P.M. - 6:00 P.M.
District 1 Open House (Kane & DuPage Counties)
Hilton Garden Inn
4070 E. Main St., St. Charles, IL
October 3, 2012
3:00 P.M. - 6:00 P.M.
District 1 Open House (Lake & McHenry Counties)
Crystal Lake Holiday Inn
800 South Route 31, Crystal Lake, IL
October 3, 2012
4:00 P.M. - 6:00 P.M.
District 6 Open House
Lincoln Public Library
326 S. 7th St., Springfield, IL
October 9, 2012
3:00 P.M. - 6:00 P.M.
District 1 Open House (Northern Cook County)
District 1 Headquarters
201 W. Center Court, Schaumburg, IL
October 10, 2012
3:00 P.M. -6:00 P.M.
District 1 Open House (Will & Southern Cook Counties)
Romeoville Village Hall
1050 W. Romeo Rd., Romeoville, IL
October 10, 2012
4:00 P.M - 6:00 P.M
District 9 Open House
Williamson County Pavilion
1601 Sioux Dr., Marion, IL
October 16, 2012
3:00 P.M - 6:00 P.M
District 1 Open House
James R. Thompson Center- Auditorium
100 West Randolph St., Chicago, IL
maintenance and modernization of our transportation system always on our
minds, IDOT is proactively planning for the next multi-modal transportation
program to be announced in Spring of 2013," said Secretary Schneider.
"Public input is a vital and extremely beneficial component of our new
multi-modal focus. Our hope is that the citizens of Illinois will participate
in our outreach to make sure that our transportation system is serving them
the best way possible."
The proposed Multi-Year Program (MYP) is based on current estimates of local,
federal and state funding, including funding from Governor Pat Quinn's
Illinois Jobs Now! capital program, enacted in 2009. The MYP for the current
FY 2013-2018 totals about $9.2 billion and focuses on maintenance and
improvement of the existing state road system.
The public meetings will be conducted informally, with no formal presentation
planned. IDOT staff will be present to answer any questions related to the
multi-modal program, planning and project development process. The public
will have an opportunity to comment on the development of the proposed MYP,
existing programming procedures and other information.
Also, the IDOT will present the latest draft of its Long-Range State
Transportation Plan that it began updating earlier this year. The plan is
required by both federal and state regulations and will be completed by
December 31, 2012. The plan encompasses all modes of transportation and
provides a framework for the department to address current and future needs.
At the open houses, the public will have the opportunity to view exhibit
boards and talk one-on-one with representatives from those involved directly
with the plan about new initiatives, revised policies and goals being
developed for the plan update. For residents, visitors, and visitors unable
to attend the open house, visit for an
opportunity to utilize the comment page on the website.