Region 10: 2012 Meeting Minutes (9/25)

Human Service Transportation Plan
Region 10 Meeting Minutes
The quarterly HSTP meeting was held at Prairie Estates in Flora, Illinois and called to order at 11:00am.
The attendees were:
Trena Briscoe
Marion Co. Horizon Center
Roger Petrashek
Lawrence Co. Ambulance Service
Mark Auten
TRADE Industries
Arnold Herman
Lawrence\Crawford Association
Dennis Quast
Gidget Simpson
CILA Corporation
Lisa Agee
Prairie Estates
Rhonda Harris
Clay Co. Rehab.
Fred Lash
Heartland Human Services
Christina Brishke
Kristie Warfel
David Armbrust
Marion Co. Horizon Center
Shannon Rogers
Charleston Transitional Facility
Erica Anderson
Career Development Center
Shana Holmes
Southeastern Il. Agency on Aging
Carolyn Willenburg
Effingham Co. Board
Debra Staggs
Bill Jung
Terri Finn
HSTP Coordinator

Terri handed out a new provider list for everyone.  This list provides all information for the transportation providers in Region 10 and should be used as a reference list for everyone’s convenience. 

Next was open discussion on coordination efforts that are occurring in Region 10.  Instances included:
Lisa with Prairie Estates asked if any provider could take her clients to St. Louis, MO. for medical appointments paid by Medicaid.  Kristie Warfel, with CIPT stated her transportation company could take them to the Illinois state line, and have the additional transportation set up with another provider to continue the remainder of trip & assisting in getting the client returned.  Kristie did say, that CIPT is working on obtaining their out of state license. 

Bill Jung with RIDES stated that his transportation company does provide services all the way to St. Louis, MO.  RIDES also provides services to Indiana.  Bill also stated that RIDES is working on trying to provide after hour services in Hamilton county which would be done with the assistance & coordination efforts with TRADE Industries.  There is a need for after hour services in Hamilton County. 

Arnold Herman also stated how RIDES provides excellent service to his company and his clients.  RIDES provides client transportation to and from workshop, as well as some outings. 

Gidget Simpson with CILA CORPORATION expressed how Clay County Rehabilitation provides excellent service for their resident transportation.  Clay County Rehabilitation provides resident transportation to and from workshop and provides transportation for the clients at short notice; Clay County Rehabilitation has provided great transportation services to CILA CORPORATION. 

Roger Petrashek shared with the committee a service provider that can fix wheelchair lifts for the transportation buses.   This company is B & M Trucking.  Their phone number is 618-395-8046.  B & M Trucking is located at 5511 East Illinois 250, Olney, Illinois. 

Next, Terri Finn discussed JARC/New Freedom & CVP grants.  Handouts were given to the committee describing the possible eligible activities that can be applied for.  It had been brought up at the last meeting  that the committee members should work together, in the next round of applying for funds, so applications would show a clear strategy to meet a regional need with good coordinated efforts. 

Terri also discussed the by-laws.  The current by-laws were written in 2007 or 2008; so they are needing updated!  Arnold, Committee President, decided that a sub -committee should be formed to update the by-laws.  Committee members that volunteered for the sub-committee are: Bill Jung, Debra Staggs, Rhonda Harris, Kristie Warfel, Arnold Herman and Mark Auten.  Copies of the by-laws were passed out & input into changes is encouraged.
The update on Regional 11 non-urban transportation in St. Clair County was discussed.  SIU recently sent a survey out for the citizens in that area, regarding the need for transportation.  SIU will have the results back from that survey in mid-October.  

Next, Terri gave an update on the Illinois Public Transportation Association Conference.  Terri stated there were good training sessions at the conference and encouraged everyone to try to attend in the future.  Terri also stated that Carletta with RIDES gave a great presentation on marketing.

Rhonda with Clay County Rehabilitation gave an update of the OIG training that was sponsored by CCR.  This training was held at the end of July.  This training had a turn out of about 30.  OIG training is a training that is required by the State of Illinois for anyone working with developmentally disabled residents—or anyone through DHS.  OIG training discusses RULE 50—which regards abuse and neglect. 

Terri reminded the committee how she is available for travel trainings for any company or staff. 

A flyer was distributed about the upcoming public forums regarding Non-Emergency Medical Transportation. 

Another flyer was distributed announcing dates of IDOT State Plan Public Forum meetings.  The next meeting is October 10th in Marion, Illinois.  Terri stressed how important it is to attend these IDOT meetings.  Public transportation meetings are the place to tell IDOT how important transportation is in the Southern regions of Illinois.  Bill Jung also stated how important attendance is.  Bill stated that attendees should go to the IDOT meetings and share input of the need in this area.

Terri discussed needed changes to the HSTP newsletter.  Instead of quarterly, it will come out twice a year (spring\summer & fall\winter).  Terri urged committee members to send her any pictures regarding transportation or your buses in use!  Terri stated that these newsletters are sent to the legislators, so they can see the great things going on in Southern Il. and also the need for continued transportation funding in our area!

The next meeting of Region 10 is scheduled for Tuesday December 11th, 11:00am, at CEFS in Effingham, Illinois.  

The meeting was adjourned at approximately 12:10pm.


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