Region 10: 2013 Meeting Minutes ( 3/12)
Region 10 HSTP Quarterly Meeting
Tuesday March 12, 2013
Dayo Adenekan
CILA Corporation
Mark Auten
TRADE Industries
Bill Jung
Fred Lash
Heartland Human Services
Stephanie Kastner
Helping Hands
David Kastner
Helping Hands
Tammy Wendt
Opportunities For Access
Kristie Warfel
CEFS\Central Il. Public Transportation
Roger Petrashek
Lawrence Co. Ambulance Service
Gidget Simpson
CILA Corporation
Dennis Quast
Steve Simms
Il. Emergency Management Agency
Shana Holmes
Southeastern Il. Agency on Aging
Mike Brown
Charleston Transitional Facility
Rae Williams
Career Development Center
Arnold Herman
Lawrence-Crawford Association
Terri Finn
HSTP Coordinator
The meeting was held at CILA
Corporation in Flora, called to order at 11:03am, and introductions were done.
Minutes from the December 2012
meeting were reviewed. Kristie Warfel
motioned to approve the minutes, Dennis Quast seconded the motion & the
Committee approved.
Guest Speaker: Stephanie Kastner from Helping Hands was
introduced as the guest speaker. She
spoke about the service area & transportation services that Helping Hands provides. The agency was established in 2004. It mostly serves clients in HSTP regions 9
& 11 but had in the past covered Effingham.
The agency has various vehicles stationed throughout the service
area. Their client base is mostly
Medicaid recipients but about 20% is private pay. The agency averages 200 trips per day &
if needed they would look at expanded services into the HSTP Region 10 area.
Election of Officers: A list of eligible candidates was provided to
the Committee. Dennis Quast nominated
Bill Jung for Chairperson. Rae Williams
nominated Mark Auten as Vice Chairperson.
Kristie Warfel nominated Gidget Simpson for Secretary. Being no further nominations, the Committee
voted these nominees to office.
Coordination: Kristie Warfel & Bill Jung discussed the
progress with the Effingham Co. Public Transportation. Kristie also discussed various changes that
CIPT is doing that is showing an improvement in services.
Terri Finn shared that she had
recently met with the Transportation Coordinator at Heartland Human Services to
discuss increasing vehicle usage & service contracts.
Also, that she had recently been
contacted by staff with the Dept. of Rehabilitation Services about the need for
transportation some graduating high school & college students have in
trying to get from very rural areas to the community colleges they are
attending. Terri set up a meeting with
the DRS staff & RIDES to start conversation of those needs being met.
Open Meetings Act: Terri Finn provided the Committee with
information on the Open Meetings Act & explained that IDOT has informed all
Coordinators that HSTP Committee’s must conduct meetings following Act
regulations. Every voting member was
encouraged to take the OMA test on the Attorney General’s website. This must be done before new officers take
their positions & before a member can vote.
Terri asked that once the test is taken, print certificates & mail
them to her for filing.
Meetings also need to be scheduled 1
year in advance so the Committee decided meetings will be held quarterly on the
second Tuesday of that month with the next meetings being on June 11, September
10 & December 10 2013. Rae Williams
volunteered to host the June meeting at Career Development Center in Fairfield
at 1:00pm.
Bylaws: The revised version of the bylaws was handed
out but more changes were decided on.
These changes will be made for the Committee to review at a future
Arnold Herman asked the question as
to why we have HSTP meetings. There was
discussion about the IDOT rules, the ongoing need for coordination, sharing of
ideas, the public’s needs, and finding new ways to better the public
transportation system.
General discussion: Timeframes for new vehicles was
discussed. Mark Auten had received a
letter stating his vehicle would not arrive before fall. Terri Finn explained that larger vehicles
will probably not be available until the end of the year. Terri also informed the Committee that IDOT
has said there may not be a CVP application this year but would instead have 2
year funding in 2014.
Kristie Warfel made a motion to
adjourn the meeting & Bill Jung seconded.
The Region 10 meeting was adjourned at 12:15pm.