Region 11: 2014 Meeting Minutes (5/14)

HSTP Region 11
Quarterly Meeting Minutes
May 14, 2014

Jesica Gentry
Monroe-Randolph Transit District
Vicki Clift
South Central Transit
Sheila Niederhofer
South Central Transit
Maureen Mann
Shawnee Mass Transit District
Ben Youther
Shawnee Mass Transit District
April Blount
Challenge Unlimited
David Woosley
5 Star Industries
Andrea Ramsey
Opportunities For Access
Dan Boehmer
Jefferson Co. Comprehensive Connections
Kent McDermott
United Methodist Children’s Home
Steven Ward
Disabled American Vet’s Chapter 28
Tammy Asbury
Gold Plate Program
Lawrence Longshore
Gold Plate Program
Patty Evansco
Millstadt Sr. Center
Susan Harbaugh
Human Support Services
Mark Bollmann
Human Service Center
Jim Schnipper
Debra King
Rides Mass Transit District
James Lane
Touchette Hospital
LaDonna Henson
Bonnie Vaughn
Southern Il. Center for Independent Living
Amdanay Ibrahim
Epilepsy Foundation of Greater S. Il.
Rachel Newsome
Il. Center for Autism
Leo Wilson
Jackson Co. Mass Transit
Leon Ray
Jackson Co. Mass Transit
Carol Montague
Dennis Presley
Rural Medical Transportation Network\SIU-C
Terri Finn
HSTP Coordinator

The quarterly HSTP Region 11 meeting, held at the Sparta Community Center, was called to order at 11:21am by Chairperson Mark Bollmann.  Introductions were done by members in attendance. 

The February 12, 2014 meeting minutes were reviewed.  A motion was made by Debra King & 2nd by Maureen Mann to approve the minutes.  Motion carried.
The Region 11 HSTP Regional Plan was given a final review.  A motion by Sheila Niederhofer was made to accept the final revised copy of the Regional Plan & 2nd by Mark Bollmann.  Motion carried.  The new Plan will be available on the HSTP blog. (

Applicants for this year’s 5310 CVP funding presented their agencies requests.  Those applicants were:
Comprehensive Connections
Millstadt Sr. Services
5 Star Industries
Touchette Hospital
Challenge Unlimited
United Methodist Children’s Home
Human Service Center
Southern Il. Center for Independent Living
South Central Transit
Shawnee Mass Transit
Rides Mass Transit
Jackson Co. Mass Transit
Voting endorsement forms were given to voting members and the endorsement process and purpose were explained by Terri Finn.

General Discussion:
·         Regions 9, 10 & 11 now have a Facebook page and everyone was invited to join it.  The page is HSTP Southern Il Regions.      
·         May is National Transportation Month.  Members were encouraged to promote this & their agencies transportation services.
·         Terri Finn gave the latest CVP delivery updates that she had received. 
·         Jim Schnipper suggested that IDOT list, on the 5310 CVP application, the requirements that drivers need to have so new applicants are aware of what is required when making application.

The next quarterly meeting will be held on August 13, 2014 in Monroe County.  The location will be announced later. 

A motion was made by Maureen Mann and 2nd by Dan Boehmer to adjourn.  Motion passed and the meeting adjourned at 12:15pm.

These minutes approved on 8/13/2014  


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