Region 11: 2014 Meeting Minutes (11/14)
HSTP Region 11
Quarterly Meeting Minutes
November 12, 2014
William Grogan
St. Clair Co. Transit
Todd Krebel
Human Support Services
Tammy Asbury
Gold Plate Sr. Program
Corky Longshore
Gold Plate Sr. Program
Shane Malawy
Perry Co. TransVan\Pinckneyville
Kent McDermott
United Methodist Children’s Home
Patsy Lipe
Perry Co. TransVan\Pinckneyville
Opal Koch
Washington Co. Sr. Services
Trudy Baxter
Epilepsy Foundation of Greater S. Il.
James Lane
Touchette Hospital
Madelle Dickerson
Senior Services of S. St. Clair Co.
Jesica Gentry
Monroe-Randolph Transit
Ladonna Richards
The Amy Center
Andrea Ramsey
Opportunities for Access CIL
Dan Boehmer
Comprehensive Connections
John Childs
5 Star Industries
Adam Lach
Rides MTD
Tracy Johnson
Jim Schnipper
Debra King
Rides MTD
Steven Ward
Disabled American Vet’s #28
Ben Youther
Shawnee MTD
Maureen Mann
Shawnee MTD
Tiffany Morgan
Shawnee MTD
Mark Bollmann
Human Service Center
Van Anderson
Southern Il. CIL
Sherri Bassen
South Central Transit
Vicki Clift
South Central Transit
The quarterly HSTP Region 11 meeting,
held at the United Methodist Children’s Home in Mt. Vernon, was called to order
at 11:11am by Chairperson Mark Bollmann.
Introductions were done by members in attendance.
The August 13, 2014 meeting minutes were
reviewed. A motion was made by Bill
Grogan & 2nd by Jim Schnipper to approve the minutes. Motion carried.
Terri Finn provided the
voting\endorsement information form for the Committee to review. Terri explained that Region 10 has agreed to
approve the form and it will be taken to the Region 9 Committee in December for
approval. This Committee agreed to
accept the form in its current state.
This form should be completed by agencies in Region’s 9, 10 & 11
that will be applying for CVP funded vehicles and submitted to Terri prior to
the voting meeting in May.
The next agenda item was nominations for
the Committee positions of Chairperson,
Co-Chairperson, and Secretary. Terri Finn read the names of those eligible
to run for office and asked for volunteers or nominations. Committee members nominated a slate
consisting of James Lane for Chairperson, Jim Schnipper for Co-Chair and Ben
Youther for Secretary. Hearing no
further nominations, a motion was made by Bill Grogan to accept the slate of
nominees with a 2nd by Maureen Mann.
Motion carried.
General Discussion:
Terri Finn
announced that November is ‘Veteran’s Month’ and encouraged Committee members to
provide free transportation services to all Veteran’s, if possible.
Information was
provided on available resource information and trainings on infectious diseases
Terri Finn shared
information regarding the 2013 CVP vehicles, stating that light-medium duty
vehicles are being orderd and should be delivered in January of 2015. 2014 CVP applications have been scored but
further information will be released later.
IDOT has asked
HSTP Coordinator’s to share marketing information and encourage all agencies to
increase their PUBLIC transportation services marketing efforts. During IDOT’s triennial review, this was an
area that was found to need improvement.
The Committee
spent time scheduling HSTP Committee meetings for 2015. The next meeting will be held on Feb. 11th
with Sr. Adult Services in Carbondale hosting.
Other scheduled meetings will be May 13th hosted by Shawnee
MTD in Vienna, August 12th,
and Nov. 18th.
Motion was made by Bill Grogan and 2nd
by Jim Schnipper to adjourn. Motion
carried and meeting adjourned at
**Minutes approved at the February 11,
2015 quarterly meeting