Region 10: 2015 Meeting Minutes (1/20)

HSTP Region 10
Quarterly Meeting Minutes
January 20, 2015

Natalie Backstrom
Opportunities For Access CIL
David Armbrust
Marion County Horizon Center
Betty Cox
Clay County Rehabilitation
Debra King
Rides MTD
Adam Lach
Rides MTD
Janice Zwilling
Lawrence-Crawford Association
Tracy Wavering
Charleston Transitional Facility
Dottie Miles
Rural Medical Transportation Network
Dennis Shiley
Central Il. Public Transportation\Effingham Co. Public Transportation\CEFS
Dayo Adenekan
CILA Corp.
Gidget Simpson
CILA Corp.
Fred Lash
Heartland Human Services
Shana Holmes
Southeastern Il. Agency on Aging
Jean Bohnoff
Effingham Co. Committee on Aging
Peter Niccum
ARC Community Support Systems
Mark Auten
TRADE Industries
Phil Toops
Effingham Co.
Terri Finn
HSTP Coordinator

The quarterly HSTP Region 10 meeting, held at the Flora Banking Company, was called to order at 11:03am, by the Region 10 Chairperson, Mark Auten.  Introductions were done by all attending.

The Region 10 meeting minutes were reviewed and a motion to approve the minutes was made by Betty Cox with a second from Jean Bohnoff.  Motion carried.

Guest Speaker: Dottie Miles, with the Rural Medical Transportation Network, described the Patient Navigator Program, which is currently being tried and tested in many rural areas of Southern Illinois. This program assists patients that may be having difficulty scheduling medical appointments, getting to those appointments, or understanding options and processes get the help they need to avoid further illness. Dottie also discussed the MIH (Mobile Integrated Healthcare) system.  This started four years ago and is helping identify people in certain rural communities that need assistance with various daily living issues and most importantly are either not following through with medical appointments or calling EMS in non- medical situations.  The EMS Navigator does the initial set up visit and discusses with the patient what issues they have (health, transportation, medicine, household, financial, etc) and what is needed to solve those issues.  This will help discourage many elderly from calling for ambulance services, when they perhaps just need small tasks done. Dottie spoke of how often times when patients are discharged from the hospital, they are given a prescription, etc…but no means of follow up with that patient.  Many times elderly do not have family in the same area, that can help them, or if they do get help at home, etc…often times, the worker does not show up.  Dottie stated how their new programs are focusing on these problems and trying to reconnect with different means of help.  Med Trans call center is wanting to branch out to those at home, to help with the many issues that have been discussed.  Dottie mentioned that the Navigator is up and running in Carbondale, Adams County and McLean County.  Facilities from where the patient is leaving can also request the MIH to check blood sugar, weight, etc. and other at-risk. Adam Lach described how Med Trans works in conjunction with both of these programs. MedTrans will set up all appointments with transportation options.  This will help prevent the patient from missed appointments, failing to refill prescriptions, etc. 
CVP Application Discussion: Dennis Shiley began the discussion asking that if anyone will need letters of support, to please contact him so transportation efforts can be discussed. 
Rides & CIPT does provide their drivers with proper OIG training, etc. 
Terri Finn discussed the voting form.  This new form was approved by all three regional committee’s (9, 10 & 11).  Anyone applying for CVP should let Terri know so she can email a form to you.  She will need those forms back at least the week before the May meeting so they can be shared with the voting members for their review.  All voting members must have completed the Open Meetings Act test and sent their certificate in to Terri before the May meeting. 
The next meeting will be on May 19th.  Jean Bohnoff volunteered to host the meeting at the Effingham Senior Center.
Mark Auten asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting, which was made by Dayo Adeneken and 2nd by Debra King.  The meeting was adjourned at 11:56am.

Thank you to Betty Cox and Clay Co. Rehab for providing our lunch from Subway.  We appreciate it very much!

**Minutes approved by Committee on May 19, 2015


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