Region 9: 2015 Meeting Minutes (3/12)

HSTP Region 9
Quarterly Meeting Minutes
March 12, 2015
Wendy Settles
Anna Oestreich
Bond County Transit & Senior Center
Jill Jones
Bond County Transit
Sherry Hicks
Michele Suwe
Glen Carbon Sr. Center
David Riegel
Fayette Co. Board
Melissa Hempsey
Sr. Services Plus
Lacey Miller
Il Valley Rehab-Jerseyville
Dottie Miles
Rural Medical Transportation Network
Barb Nelson
Community Link
Susan Thomas
Joe Domer
M. Blakemore
Opportunities for Access CIL
Sheila Niederhofer
South Central Transit
Vicki Clift
South Central Transit
Linda Vidmar
Il. Valley Rehab-Gillespie
Kimberly Rogers
Macoupin Center for the Developmentally Disabled
Kent Tarro
Macoupin Co. Health Dept. & Transit
April Blount
Challenge Unlimited\Residential Options
Terri Finn
HSTP Coordinator

The quarterly HSTP Region 9 meeting, held at Bond Co. Sr. Center in Greenville, was called to order at 11:00am by April Blount, Chairperson.  Introductions and agency updates were done by all attending.
The meeting minutes from December 11, 2014 were reviewed.  A motion was made by Michele Suwe and 2nd by Wendy Settles to approve the minutes.  Motion carried.
Dottie Miles from the Rural Medical Transportation Network was the guest speaker.  She provided information on the Patient Navigator Program and the EMS Mobile Integrated Healthcare pilot project.  Both projects are targeted toward reducing ambulances being called out for non-emergency trips and hospital re-admissions due to a lack of transportation or other barriers. 
Terri Finn addressed the issue of state budget cuts to transit.  $70 million in cuts is proposed for downstate with could increase fares, reduce routes, cause layoffs, etc.  IPTA is advocating for a reduction in cuts and all those involved with providing transportation should also contact legislators.  The committee members had ongoing discussion about various cuts to their programs and services, as well.  Terri Finn will draft an letter that can be used when contacting legislators.  It will include statistics from IPTA.  This letter would be used by Regions 9, 10 & 11.
General Discussion:
·         Voting-CVP applications were sent out, by IDOT, yesterday the May meeting will be a voting meeting.   Any members that have attended 3 of the last 4 meetings and sent their OMA certificate to Terri Finn will be considered voting members.  Endorsement forms will be emailed to all human service agencies and completed forms will then be emailed to voting members the week before the May meeting.  Those forms should be reviewed and questions, comments, etc. should be asked during the agency request presentations.   
·         Terri Finn went over the handouts\resources she had brought for members and encouraged everyone to do some activity for the national Stand Up 4 Transit event that will occur in April.
·         CVP Updates-CY’13 lite duty vehicles are expected for delivery in late winter\early spring of ’16.  Medium duties expected in the spring and super mediums expected in late spring.  Mike Healy has sent the CY’14 CVP award list to HSTP Coordinators so if an agency hasn’t heard if they were approved or not, they can contact Terri Finn.
The next meeting will be hosted by South Central Transit and will be held at their training center in Centralia.
A motion was made by Kent Tarro and 2nd by Michele Suwe to adjourn the meeting.  Motion carried and adjourned at 12:00pm

**Minutes approved by Committee on May 14, 2015


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