Region 11: 2015 Meeting Minutes (2/11)

HSTP Region 11
Quarterly Meeting Minutes
February 11, 2015

Andrea Ramsey
Opportunities for Access CIL
Opal Koch
Washington Co. Senior Services
Jim Schnipper
Henry Long
Senior Adult Services
James Lane
Touchette Hospital
Dan Boehmer
Comprehensive Connections
Jesica Gentry
Monroe-Randolph Transit
Tammy Asbury
Gold Plate Sr. Program
Corky Longshore
Gold Plate Sr. Program
Trudy Baxter
Epilepsy Foundation of Greater S. Il.
Bill Grogan
St. Clair Co. Transit
April Blount
Challenge Unlimited\Residential Options
Patty Evansco
Millstadt Township Senior Center
Todd Krebel
Human Support Services
Tracy Johnson
Debra King
Rides MTD
Adam Lach
Rides MTD
Madelle Dickerson
Sr. Services of S. St. Clair Co.
Van Anderson
S. Il. Center for Independent Living
Steven Ward
Disabled American Vet’s #28
Kent McDermott
United Methodist Children’s Home
LaDonna Henson
Education & Development Center\SIU-C
Mark Bollmann
Human Service Center
Dori Bigler
Shawnee MTD
Sherri Bassen
South Central Transit
Julie Patera
S. Il. Healthcare
Graydon Burchfield
Jackson Co. MTD
Ashley Duffie
Age Smart
David Penny
Jackson Co. MTD
John Smith
Egyptian Area Agency on Aging
Dottie Miles
Rural Medical Transportation Network
Dennis Presley
Rural Medical Transportation Network
Terri Finn
HSTP Coordinator

The quarterly HSTP Region 11 meeting, held at Senior Adult Services in Carbondale, was called to order at 11:06am by Chairperson James Lane.  Introductions and agency updates were done by members in attendance.
The November 12, 2014 meeting minutes were reviewed.  A motion was made by Jesica Gentry and 2nd by Bill Grogan to approve the minutes.  Motion carried.

The Committee had a discussion about the possibility of CVP funding and the application process this year.  Terri Finn informed the group that if it occurs, IDOT is trying to stay with the May deadlines and any information she gets will be passed on to everyone as it is received.  Terri also handed out information on service contracts, discussed planning, communication with the public provider and service coordination.  All members were reminded that if CVP occurs as scheduled, May will be a voting meeting for application requests and all members should make sure they have taken the Open Meetings Act test and forwarded their certificate to Terri Finn.  Also, the new endorsement form will be sent out to all human service agencies so they can get it completed along with the application and forwarded to Terri.  She will in turn forward to voting members a week before the meeting for their review.

Guest Speaker for this meeting was Dottie Miles from the RMTN.  She provided information on the Patient Navigator Program and the new Mobile Integrated Healthcare program.  Handouts were provided and Dottie invited questions and comments.

General Discussion:
·        Voting\Endorsement Forms-Final draft was presented and Terri informed the Committee that Region 10 had approved the final version.  Region 11 then approved this version for use.
·        Voting Members-see above discussion
·        Open Meetings Act Test & Certification-see above discussion
·        Touchette Hospital will host an RTAC driver training on 3\2\15.  Everyone is invited but please call James Lane to reserve a spot.
·        Vehicle update-Medium & lite duty vehicles are tentatively set for May delivery.
·        ‘Stand Up 4 Transit’ is an advocacy event happening nationwide to bring awareness of the need & funding for public transportation.  Terri Finn provided information, flyers that can be used and other items and asked everyone to check out the website and try to have some activities on this day.  She will be glad to post anything going on to the HSTP Facebook page.
·        Information was provided on the National Center for Mobility Management’s Healthcare Access Design Challenge.  Terri Finn and Dennis Presley are forming a team to apply for the $25,000 and anyone is invited to join their team or apply on their own.

The next meeting is set for May 13, 2015.  Shawnee MTD has volunteered to host that meeting, hopefully at their new office in Vienna.

Motion was made by Dan Boehmer to adjourn and 2nd by Trudy Baxter.  Meeting adjourned at 11:45am.       

**Minutes approved by Committee on May 13, 2015         


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