Region 9: 2023 Meeting Minutes (12/14)


HSTP Region 9

December 14, 2023

Quarterly Meeting Minutes



Nathan Nichols

Central Il. Public Transit-Effingham

Sherry Bassen

South Central Transit-Centralia

Jennifer Noel

Bond County Transit – Greenville

David Maziarz

Il. Dept. of Transportation-Springfield

Mike Egbert

Opportunities for Access Center for Independent Living-Mt. Vernon

Felica Voelkel

Glen Carbon Sr. Center-Glen Carbon

Jill Ohnesorge

Il. Dept. of Transportation-Springfield

Melissa Marti

Bond County Transit-Greenville

Andrea Boda

Il. Valley Rehab Center-Gillespie

Paul Klosterman

Community Link-Breese

Eric Robke

Community Link-Breese

Todd Nickel

Challenge Unlimited\Residential Options-Alton

Susan Thomas

Madison Co. Transit\Agency for Community Transit-Granite City

Derek Tiburzi

Macoupin County Public Transportation

Sherry Hicks

Fayco -Vandalia

Melissa Theiss

East West Gateway Council of Gov.-St. Louis

Peggy Dunn

Macoupin County Public Transit-Gillespie

Gerald McDonald

Tri-County Rural Transit-Jerseyville

Stephanie Stahlhut

Illinois Valley Rehab

Riley Anderson

Human Service Transportation Coordinator-Salem

Terri Finn

Human Service Transportation Coordinator-Salem

Call to Order- The Region 9 quarterly HSTP meeting was called to order at 11:03am by Chairperson Nathan Nichols via Zoom.

Introductions – All those in attendance introduced themselves and announced their agency.

Approval of September 2023 meeting minutes – Motion by Susan Thomas, second by Felicia Voelkel.  Minutes approved with no additions or corrections.

Regional Plan-Terri Finn went over the updates that were entered into the Regional Plan from the last meeting (copies of gaps & needs portion provided to committee).  She also gave an update on the Technical Assistance Committee that was developed by IDOT in conjunction with the University of Il.-Chicago to survey patients that use various forms of transportation to get to non-emergency medical appointments. Agencies discussed new happenings within their agencies: MCT\ACT is changing some routes due to problems hiring and keeping drivers.  CIPT echoed the same problems with drivers but the do currently have some that are in training and will hopefully begin driving soon.                                                        Bond Co. Transit is working on getting NEMT contract trips.

Transportation Concerns-All agencies with 5310 vehicles echoed the need for new buses.  Suggested that IDOT look to transfer underutilized vehicles to agencies that are in desperate need.  Maintenance costs are getting too high to keep the older vehicles on the road and running.

General Discussion-IDOT Updates: David Maziarz addressed the vehicle issue—Zoe Keller is working on finalizing the list of agencies\vehicles to be awarded.  She hopes to have award letters to awardees by March and having vendor contracts done so building can begin.  He also asked that any updates that fit into the Regional Plan be sent to Terri at the time, not just at quarterly meetings.       Handouts\Resource materials: Riley Anderson went thru all of the handouts with the committee.  Confirm 2024 meetings: March 14th-Senior Services Plus, June 13th-Bond Co. Senior Center, September 12th-Glen Carbon Senior Center, December 12th-Zoom.

Adjourn-  A motion was made by Susan Thomas and 2nd by Peggy Dunn to adjourn at 11:41pm.  Motion carried.





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