Region 9 Quarterly HSTP Committee Meeting Minutes

At 1:00 pm on 6\23\11 the quarterly HSTP Committee meeting was called to order in Highland, Il. at the Latzer Public Library.

Introductions were made with these members in attendance:

Joe Domer

Agency for Community Transit

Susan Thomas

Agency for Community Transit

Kim Taylor


Alan Gilmore

Jersey Co. Business Assoc.

Carrie Viehweg


Connie Tierney

St. Joseph’s Hospital

Chris Gebke

Community Link

Jon Hallberg

S. Central Il. Regional Planning & Development

Anna Oestreich

Bond County

Kathy Malloy

Il. Valley Sr. Center-Jersey & Greene

Jackie Kamp

Main St. Community Center-Edwardsville

Mike Egbert

Opportunities For Access CIL

Kent Tarro

Macoupin Co. Public Transportation

Terri Finn

HSTP Coordinator

Sub-Committees-Committee person Anna Oestreich shared 3 Mission Statement options. After discussion, the group agreed & voted to add the following statement to the Region 9 Plan: To coordinate the human service transportation efforts of public, private, & non-profit providers to eliminate duplication and maximize services across the region.

Gaps\Needs\Strategies-Committee person Susan Thomas provided handouts with the sub-committee’s summary of the Region 9 Gaps\Needs with bulleted progress updates & the sub-committee’s list of recommended goals with strategies to achieve the goals.

Susan also provided summary remarks about some of the gaps & went over the recommended goals in detail.

After much discussion on the proposed strategies & goals, it was acknowledged by all that the issues we face are connected with larger problems outside the scope of the committee. Once data & facts are established, this information can be shared with elected officials which then become a strategy to solve some of these issues. Chris Gebke volunteered Community Link to become a member of this sub-committee to give input on behalf of the human service agencies.

Plan Review- The Plan Review sub-committee had not had the chance to meet yet but will do so before the next quarterly meeting.

Terri thanked the sub-committees for their work thus far. She also welcomed all of those present to call or e-mail her with suggestions and\or bring them to the next quarterly meeting.

General Discussion

Program Reviews-Terri provided information on 5310 inspections\reviews she has already conducted & a listing of the agencies she will be visiting soon.

Calhoun, Greene & Jersey Co. – Alan Gilmore spoke on the 3 counties efforts to form a public transportation system. They are currently working with RTAC in the third phase of the process. The System Development Group will meet on July 8th & anyone providing services to people in those counties is welcome to attend.

HSTP Changes- Elton Trojniar has left the HSTP Coordinator position to take the position of Exec. Director of the newly formed Cass-Schuyler Co. Public Transit system.

Terri informed the committee that at the next quarterly meeting we will be nominating & electing a Chair, co-Chair & Secretary for the committee.

Mike Egbert asked that OFA-CIL become a voting member of the HSTP Committee. He gave a brief explanation of the services OFA provides to people with disabilities. Motion was made by Jackie Kamp & 2nd by Kim Taylor to accept OFA-CIL as a voting member. Motion carried unanimously.

The next meeting will be held on Thursday Sept. 15th at 1:00 with the location to be determined.

Meeting adjourned.


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