Region 9: 2013 Meeting Minutes (12/12)

HSTP Region 9
Quarterly Meeting Minutes
December 12, 2013

Linda Vidmar
Il. Valley Rehab-Gillespie
Jared Rowcliffe
Shelby Co. PCOM (CIPT)
Dennis Shiley
Central Il. Public Transit
April Blount
Challenge Unlimited
Barb Nelson
Community Link
Debbie Phillips
Opportunities For Access CIL
Carole Drew
Macoupin Co. PCOM (Macoupin Co. Public Transit)
Martie Lorsbach
Madison Co. STEP (DHS\DRS)
Brooke Thomas
General public transit rider
Sherri Bassen
South Central Transit
Dennis Presley
SIU-C Rural Medical Transportation Network
Sara Berkbigler
Main St. Community Center
Jill Jones
Bond Co. Transit
Susan Thomas
Sherry Hicks
David Riegel
Fayette Co. Board\FAYCO
Terri Finn
HSTP Coordinator

The quarterly HSTP Region 9 meeting, held at Main St. Community Center in Edwardsville, was called to order at 11:07am by Vice Chairperson Linda Vidmar.  Introductions were done by all attending.  The meeting minutes from September 12, 2013 were reviewed.  A motion was made by Linda Vidmar and 2nd by Sherry Hicks to approve the minutes.  Motion carried.

The Coordinator had asked everyone to bring a copy of the Regional Plan so the Gaps and Needs section could be updated.  Committee members had these discussion items:
·         Add a Goal(s) to Gap 1 to address 5310 vehicle use\misuse and increased coordination.
·         Add a Gap or Goal that addresses the need to increase knowledge of public transportation to transition age students.
·         Add a Goal to Gap 2 to address a need for partnerships between public providers and emergency medical transportation services.
·         Add a Goal\Gap addressing the lack of funding for vehicles
Terri Finn will be sending an email to everyone with their agencies current Provider Inventory information.  She asked that updates, if any, be made and the email sent back to her as soon as possible.

2014 quarterly meeting dates were set for March 13, June 12, September 11 & December 11. 

The Tri-County Transit (Calhoun\Greene\Jersey) Primer Process is currently at a standstill as new county board members are not on in favor of this.  More information will be reported to the Committee as it becomes available.

Dennis Presley gave a brief report on SIU’s MedTrans and Patient Navigator programs.  MedTrans is planning to become a non-profit agency that will provide transportation coordination between public providers and medical centers along and near the Route 13 corridor in Williamson and Jackson counties.  They have established a Board of Directors and hired a Director to oversee the agency.  This agency received its startup funds through New Freedom funding.                                                                                                                                      The Patient Navigator program is currently only working as a pilot program in a few counties of the State.  It was established to assist EMS in reducing the number of non-emergency medical transports that they must make.  In McLean Co. there were 92 citizens that were using the ambulance for various reasons that could have been taken care of with public transportation.  These 92 people resulted in 932 calls to 911.  Since the Patient Navigators have been working with these people to use other available resources, the number of 911 calls has been reduced to just over 200 calls, thus increasing public transportation ridership.

Terri Finn reported:
·         There will be a mandatory PCOM training in February.
·         The RTAC Conference is scheduled for April 2nd & 3rd with a procurement training to be conducted on April 1st in the same location in Springfield.
·         CVP Update: Minivans approved from 2012 were delivered in Oct. 2013 with light, medium & super duty’s currently scheduled for delivery in the first half of 2014.  Applications that were endorsed by Committee in 2013 have been scored by the IDOT\DPIT Review Committee.

The next quarterly meeting, scheduled for March 13th, will be held in Greenville and hosted by FAYCO and Bond Co. Transit.

A motion was made by Linda Vidmar and 2nd by April Blount to adjourn the meeting.  Meeting adjourned at 12:17pm.   

Minutes approved, with revisions, on 3\13\14 


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