Region 10 Meeting Minutes
Region 10 Meeting
Thursday May 20, 2010 @ 1:00p
Olney Public Library
Olney, Illinois 62450
Meeting minutes
Name | Organization |
Lindsey Holtz | Region 9 HSTP Coordinator |
Elton Trojniar | Region 9 HSTP Coordinator |
Dennis Quast | ARC Community Support Systems |
Trena Briscoe | Marion County Horizon Center |
Carolyn Willenburg | Effingham County Board |
Arnold Herman | Lawrence/Crawford Association |
Patricia Strong | CILA Corporation |
Karen Luchtefeld | Effingham County Board |
Nancy Travis | Clay County Rehab |
Debra Staggs | RIDES |
Bill Jung | RIDES |
Tammy Beccue | CIPT |
Taja Wheeler | CTF |
Call to order @ 1:07 PM
HSTC Topics:
1:10p Region 10 Plan Overview
-CVP Update: John Edmondson
Regional Plan Review
1:20p Membership
-Reviewed Region 10 By-laws
· According to By-laws once a agency/establishment has missed consecutive meetings, they will be classified as “inactive members” and their voting rights shall be suspended.
· Committee voted on Charleston Transitional Facility to suspend voting rights until they attend future consecutive meetings.
o Committee decided to let Charleston Transitional Facility keep their voting rights under the condition that this agency will be represented in future meetings.
Regional Plan Review
1:25p Gaps and Strategies
-Went through each Regional Gap and discussed agency changes and progress Region 9 has made to address these Gaps.
· Gap one has been addressed and filled
· New legislation passed and stretcher services will have new regulations released by DPH
· Funding for evening service for public transit is needed
· RIDES routes up to Charleston and Mattoon areas
· A new agency has been hired through IDOT to help advertise and supervise intercity bus services, this may be happening in the next four to six months
· ITS set up may help increase efficiency
Discussion went until 2:00p it was decided to address the Strategies in the next Regional Meeting
2:00p Break
Shared Perspectives/Regional Issues
2:05a How public transportation should be defined and measured: John Edmondson
-It has been found that FTA doesn’t give clear guidelines for public transit service.
-Gave examples of 5307 and 5311 grantees.
-Purpose of rural transit target disabled, low-income, and elderly populations.
· Opened floor for discussion and questions.
· Moved onto Case Studies, the committee gave there opinion on what should be changed and ideas that FTA could use for guidelines to address 5311 funding guidelines.
-Case Study 1
· Believed it wasn’t public transportation service
· Did not meet advertising standard, no ads for the general public/not clearly advertised
· Hours of operation are no good
· Confusing signage
· Should advertise to general public at retail, hotels, chamber or commerce, etc.
-Case Study 2
· 5311 is for unaffiliated trips
· If only 2% of rides are to public transit, then they should only get 5311 for 2%
· Gauging what they don’t do in a community may help evaluate system
· Problem=There is capital coordination, but no funding coordination
· More focus on advertisement, maybe establish minimum guidlines
-Case Study 3
· More stringent oversight needed from the Grantee(the county)
· Didn’t like that there was separate marketing for both disabled and general public
· Grantee should set up a complaint mechanism
· Requiring a 3-5 year planning document would show management capacity
· Consider the use of the “LEAN” projection tool
-General Notes
· “Coordination is a capital issue, i.e. let’s share a bus”
o Federal regulations are vague for a reason, to allow systems to evolve. Defining public rigidly will work against coordination, Problem= There is capital coordination, but no funding coordination.
3:10p Open floor for Questions
3:15p Adjourn