Region 9 Meeting Mintues
Region 9 Meeting
Tuesday May 18, 2010 @ 1:00p
Jarvis Township Senior Citizens Center
Troy, Illinois 62294
Meeting minutes
Name | Organization |
Lindsey Holtz | Region 9 HSTP Coordinator |
Elton Trojniar | Region 9 HSTP Coordinator |
Cindy Doyle | Illinois Valley Senior Center |
Kathy Malloy | IVEDC |
David Riegel | FAYCO/Fayette Co. Board |
Susan Thomas | ACT |
Joe Domer | ACT |
John Edmondson | IDOT |
Fran Smith | Jarvis Township Senior Center |
Sherry Brendel | Jarvis Township Senior Center |
Peggy Dunn | Macoupin County PHD |
Anna Oestreich | Bond County |
Vicki Clift | SCT |
Sherri Bassen | SCT |
Kiyeon Yoch | Area Agency on Aging |
Jackie Kamp | Main Street Community Center |
Kristie Warfel | CEFS/CIPT |
Rachel Newsome | Illinois Center for Autism |
Call to order @ 1:05 PM
HSTC Topics:
1:10p Region 9 Plan Overview
-CVP Update: John Edmondson
Regional Plan Review
1:15p Membership
-Reviewed Region 9 By-laws
· According to By-laws once a agency/establishment has missed consecutive meetings, they will be classified as “inactive members” and their voting rights shall be suspended.
· Committee voted on Lewis and Clark Community College to suspend voting rights until they attend future consecutive meetings.
o Motion to classify Lewis and Clark Community College “inactive members”- Susan Thomas
o Second- Anna Oestreich
o Motion Carried
Regional Plan Review
1:20p Gaps and Strategies
-Went through each Regional Gap and discussed agency changes and progress Region 9 has made to address these Gaps.
· Discussion of MCT and Bond County adding new routes into Edwardsville in the future.
o It was found that people in community still need to show interest in these routes in order to be established.
· Updates were made to MCT’s service hours.
· Updates were made to SCT’s service hours.
· Macoupin County has rides going into Springfield and has the potential to develop more routes once Primer Process is complete.
· Bond County is looking into connecting with a park-and-ride in the Highland area.
Discussion went until 2:00p it was decided to address the Strategies in the next Regional Meeting
2:00p Break
Shared Perspectives/Regional Issues
2:05 How public transportation should be defined and measured: John Edmondson
-It has been found that FTA doesn’t give clear guidelines for public transit service.
-Gave examples of 5307 and 5311 grantees.
-Purpose of rural transit target disabled, low-income, and elderly populations.
· Opened floor for discussion and questions.
· Moved onto Case Studies, the committee gave there opinion on what should be changed and ideas that FTA could use for guidelines to address 5311 funding guidelines.
-Case Study 1
· Believed it wasn’t public transportation service
· Vehicles were not marked clearly to show service to public
· Vehicle label currently discourages public use and target specifically to a senior center
· An idea would be to create a “Brand Name” to differentiate local agencies from public transportation service
· Maybe have FTA create service hour guidance
-Case Study 2
· Not public transit
· Too many trips cater to specialized clients
· Survey of entire county about service needs
· Develop an awareness of service survey
· Need to get the county to contract with different providers
· Apply statistical analysis to organizations to measure revenue service vs. hours
-Case Study 3
· Scheduling should be open
· Marketing is too limited
· No trip prioritizations should be allowed for general public transit
-General Notes
· “Should there be a planning requirement?”
o No consensus on this question, different agencies see themselves differently and operate differently. Metrics will always be different depending on geography.
3:00p Open floor for Questions
3:05p Adjourn