Region 11 Meeting Minutes

Region 11 Meeting
Wednesday May 19, 2010 @ 10:00a
Southwestern Illinois College, Room 152

Red Bud, Illinois 62278

Meeting minutes




Lindsey Holtz

Region 11 HSTP Coordinator

Elton Trojniar

Region 11 HSTP Coordinator

Butch Mathes

Touchette Regional Hospital

Trydarrell Ward

Touchette Regional Hospital

John Childs

Five Star Industries

Susan Odum

Johnson County, U of I extension

Treesa Sauwebrunn

Shawnee MTD

Maureen Mann

Shawnee MTD

Jon Anderson

Shawnee MTD

Susan Steven

Shawnee MTD

Trudy Baxter


Vicki Clift


Sheila Niederhofer


Douglas Wood

Human Support Service

John Edmondson


Jim Schnipper


Mandy Heinemann


Mark Bollmann


Tammy Asbury

Gold Plate

Call to order @ 10:05 AM


HSTC Topics:
10:10a Region 11 Plan Overview

-CVP Update: John Edmondson

Regional Plan Review

10:20a Membership

-Reviewed Region 11 By-laws

· According to By-laws once a agency/establishment has missed consecutive meetings, they will be classified as “inactive members” and their voting rights shall be suspended.

· Committee voted on Bethany Place to suspend voting rights until they attend future consecutive meetings.

o Motion to classify Bethany Place “inactive members”- Maureen Mann

o Second- Jim Schnipper

o Motion Carried

· Region 11’s Current Committee Chari Person, Susan Engelhardt, resigned position due to work conflicts.

o Opened floor for Chair nominations to fill position until January 2011.

o Trudy Baxter nominated Jim Schnipper

o Jim Schnipper accepts

Regional Plan Review

10:25a Gaps and Strategies

-Went through each Regional Gap and discussed agency changes and progress Region 9 has made to address these Gaps.

· Discussion of rural St. Clair County going through primer process.

o It was found that rural St. Clair County doesn’t qualify for 5311 funding.

· Updates were made to RIDES service hours.

· SCT links with Metro link from Clinton County to Scott AFB and Shiloh.

· Randolph County has more need for medical trips.

· Routing software for all providers to increase efficiency may be beneficial.

Discussion went until 11:00a it was decided to address the Strategies in the next Regional Meeting

11:00a Break

Shared Perspectives/Regional Issues

11:10a How public transportation should be defined and measured: John Edmondson

-It has been found that FTA doesn’t give clear guidelines for public transit service.

-Gave examples of 5307 and 5311 grantees.

-Purpose of rural transit target disabled, low-income, and elderly populations.

· Opened floor for discussion and questions.

· Moved onto Case Studies, the committee gave there opinion on what should be changed and ideas that FTA could use for guidelines to address 5311 funding guidelines.

-Case Study 1

· Believed it wasn’t public transportation service

· More focus on marketing to general public and overall marketing technique

· Need to disperse materials out in the general public

· Create a “Brand Name” for your public service transit vehicle

-Case Study 2

· Need for better advertisement strategy

· Require a current needs assessment for community served

· Educate internally workers in agency about public transit services and educate general public so that they are aware of service

-Case Study 3

· Shouldn’t segregate their clients

· Gives impression that this service is only for those with disabilities

· Anyone should be able to call at anytime

· Marketing needs to be clearer on services and hours of operation

· FTA is in need of a measuring criteria to see how much human service agencies are utilizing their vehicles and to determine how much they are interaction with their community’s/county’s public provider

· Some type of document should be included with 5310 application to show that they are working with their public provider, something other than letters of support.

-General Notes

· Passenger metric could be based on demographic statistics of provider area versus the population served.

12:00p Open floor for Questions

12:05p Adjourn


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