Region 9: 2013 Meeting Minutes (5/30)
Region 9 HSTP Quarterly Meeting
Thursday May 30, 2013
Sherry Brendel
Jarvis Township Sr. Center
Linda Vidmar
Il. Valley Rehab.-Gillespie
David Riegel
FAYCO\Fayette Co. Board
Kim Taylor
Sherry Hicks
Rachel Newsome
Il. Center for Autism
Bob Smith
Il. Valley Sr. Center
Chris Markel
Beverly Farms
Sheila Niederhofer
South Central Transit
Barb Nelson
Community Link
Stan Krushas
Il. Emergency Management Agency
Missy Kichline
Rachael Pawlak
East-West Gateway
Susan Thomas
Joe Domer
Lisa Casterline
Central Il. Public Transportation
Kent Tarro
Macoupin Co. Public Transportation
Sara Berkbigler
Main St. Community Center
Jill Jones
Bond Co. Transit
Dennis Presley
Rural Medical Transportation Network
Terri Finn
HSTP Coordinator
meeting, held at the Jarvis Township Sr. Center, was called to order at 11:05
by Vice Chairperson, Linda Vidmar.
from the March13, 2013 meeting were reviewed and hearing no changes a motion
was made by Susan Thomas and 2nd by Bob Smith to approve the
minutes. Motion carried.
next agenda item was the presentation of CVP applications. The following agencies were requesting CVP
Il. Center for
Il. Valley
Il. Valley
Community Link
agency explained the need for the vehicles being requested, their coordination
efforts with other agencies and the proposed growth of agency services. Committee members completed voting forms and
the HSTP Coordinator later informed members that all applications were approved
and will be forwarded to IDOT for final review. 5311,
public transit providers, that were applying were: Central Il. Public Transit, Macoupin Co.
Public Transportation and South Central Transit. No voting is required for these applications
but the providers did inform the Committee of what they were requesting.
The next item was Coordination: Open Discussion. During this time Dennis Presley informed the
Committee of the RMTN’s services and programs which include: the Patient
Navigator Program and the 1 Call Center that is being established with New
Freedom funds. The service will cover
the Rt. 13 corridor with plans to expand.
During an update on expanding transit services to
rural St. Clair Co., Kent Tarro mentioned that he may be interested in
assisting with the same to occur in rural Madison Co. The process that St. Clair Co. has been going
through was explained to Kent and the Committee by Dennis Presley and Terri
Finn. Questions were asked by Susan
Thomas about the actual area MCPT would look at covering. Kent will be in contact with Dennis & Terri
for more details of how to proceed.
Stan Krushas gave an update on the severe weather that
is forecast for the next few days. He
warned members to be prepared when transporting clients, practice safety
policies and contact the local EMA directors for assistance as needed.
The next meeting will be on Sept. 12th at
the South Central Transit training center in Centralia at 11am.
A motion was made by Missy Kichline and 2nd
by Kent Tarro to adjourn. Motion
approved by Committee on September 12, 2012