Region 10: 2013 Meeting Minutes (9/10)

HSTP Region 10
Quarterly Meeting Minutes
September 10, 2013

Phil Toops
Bill Jung
Rides MTD
Debra King
Rides MTD
Steve Simms
Roger Petrashek
Lawrence Co. Ambulance Service
Dennis Quast
ARC Community Support Systems
Mike Brown
Charleston Transitional Facility
Betty Cox
Clay Co. Rehab Center
Mark Auten
Trade Industries
Jared Rowcliffe
Shelby Co.
Dennis Shiley
Kevin Bushur
Janice Zwilling
Lawrence Crawford Association for Exceptional Citizen
Rae Williams
Career Development Center
Terri Finn
HSTP Coordinator

The quarterly HSTP Region 10 meeting, held at ARC in Teutopolis, was called to order at 11:04am by Chairperson, Bill Jung.  Introductions were done by all attending.  The meeting minutes from May 28, 2013 were reviewed.  A motion was made by Debra King and 2nd by Dennis Quast to approve the minutes.  Motion carried.

Bill Jung & Terri Finn gave an update on CVP vehicles.  Minivans are almost done and may be delivered by the end of `13.  Light duty & medium duty vehicles are still in the procurement and prototype process.
Terri said CVP applications that were endorsed for 2013 have been through the DPIT review process.  Approved applicants should receive notification soon.

There was group discussion on ideas for promoting HSTP news, such as continuing the HSTP newsletter &\or a Facebook page.  The Commission was in favor of a Facebook page and discussed security settings to prevent unwanted posts.  Monitoring needs to be the #1 priority.  The Committee agreed that all 3 regions (9, 10  & 11) should be combined on the page.

The next agenda item discussed was the HSTP Plan changes & updates.  Some agencies need to update their Provider Inventory.  Those changes should be emailed to Terri & a revised Plan will be sent out prior to the next meeting.  The `Gaps and Needs’ section should be reviewed by all & will be discussed at the December meeting. 

Coordination discussion:
            -CIPT & ECPT’s new PCOM’s were in attendance.  PCOM duties were explained to the Committee. 
            -CIPT and Rides working together as ECPT, gave an update on how the new system is going.  So far, so good.  The Open House was in August with approximately 200 people attending.  The biggest challenge has been communication, as everyone has a different take on certain issues but there is good problem solving going on.  More outreach is needed.
            -Rides and CTF have a new service contract for 2 routes that will serve the public & CTF clients.
            -ECPT vehicles were used during an emergency child search in Watson.  It was reported by the ECPT PCOM that the movement of people & vehicles seemed to be well coordinated and will be seen as a positive for the system.  Unfortunately, the outcome of the search was not positive.

General discussion:
            -Committee members that attended the IPTA Conference reported on the event.
            -Paratransit\ADA-Terri explained an initiative by the Statewide Independent Living Council (SILC) and its Transportation Advisory Committee to advocate for a universal\statewide ADA paratransit card that would be accepted by all providers.  Basically, if a person qualifies for paratransit with 1 provider they would not need to otherwise prove eligibility.
            -November is Veteran’s month.  Please consider letting Vet’s ride free.
            -IDOT public meetings are coming up.  Dates were provided and members were encouraged to attend.

The next meeting was scheduled for 12\10\13, 11am at Rides MTD’s Grayville office.

A motion was made by Bill Jung to adjourn the meeting and 2nd by Dennis Quast.  Meeting adjourned at 12:12pm. 
ARC & Dennis Quast hosted lunch after the meeting.      

Minutes approved 12\10\13


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