Region 11: 2013 Meeting Minutes (9/11)

HSTP Region 11
Quarterly Meeting Minutes
September 11, 2013

Jeremy Biggerstaff
United Methodist Children’s Home
Sheila Niederhofer
South Central Transit
Valerie Jones
Dan Boehmer
Comprehensive Connections
Jesica Gentry
Monroe-Randolph Transit
Adam Lach
Rides MTD
Debra King
Rides MTD
Sher Hyte
Shawnee Alliance
Vickie Clift
South Central Transit
Ben Youther
Shawnee MTD
Ed Judson
Challenge Unlimited\Residential Options
Treesa Sauerbrunn
Shawnee MTD
James Lane
Touchette Hospital
Patrick Laws
Sr. Adult Services
Douglas Wood
Human Support Services
Bill Grogan
St. Clair Co. Transit
Patty Evansco
Millstadt Township Sr. Center
Corky Longshore
Gold Plate Sr. Program
Tammy Asbury
Gold Plate Sr. Program
David Woosley
5-Star Industries
Frank Mulholland
Jackson Co. MTD
Terri Finn
HSTP Coordinator

The quarterly HSTP Region 11 meeting was held at Shawnee Community College in Ullin. In the absence of the Chair & Vice-Chair, Terri Finn, HSTP Coordinator, called the meeting to order at 11:16am.  Introductions were done from all attending.  The meeting minutes from May 29th were reviewed.  A motion was made by Doug Wood and 2nd by Bill Grogan to approve the minutes.  Motion carried.

Terri Finn updated the Committee on CVP applications and briefly discussed the IDOT correspondence, dated 8\19\13, regarding MAP-21.

There was group discussion on ideas for promoting HSTP news, such as continuing with the HSTP newsletter &\or a Facebook page.  The Committee had no problem with continuing the newsletter and thought having a Facebook page.  Terri asked, once again, that for these to be successful it will take input, pictures, etc. from the Committee.     

Terri Finn led group discussion regarding updates, corrections and additions to the Human Service Transportation Regional Plan.  The Committee decided that updates to individual provider information\statistics need to be done and changes should be emailed to Terri by the respective providers.  All HSTC members should review the ‘Gaps & Needs’ section of the Plan and report such changes at the next HSTC meeting.

The Committee engaged in discussion of service coordination and ADA accessibility concerns. 
            -Effingham Co. Public Transit (ECPT) in Region 10 is now operational (CIPT & subcontractor Rides MTD).
            -SAVE & SCT are working on a service contract for clients.
            -Frank Mulholland & Debra King explained SIMPO (S. Il. Metropolitan Planning Organization) and the urban area changes in Jackson & Williamson Co.’s.  These changes will open more transit routes and transfer stations. 
            -An update was provided on the status of the Med Trans One Call Center by those involved with the process.
            -Paratransit & ADA-Terri Finn explained an initiative by the Statewide Independent Living Council (SILC) to advocate for a universal\statewide ADA paratransit card that would be accepted by all providers.  Basically, if a person qualifies for paratransit with 1 provider, they would not need to otherwise prove eligibility. 
            -Committee members that attended the IPTA Conference reported on the event.

Various handouts were provided to the Committee by the Coordinator and discussed.
            -Transportation, Housing & Urban Development (THUD) funding.
            -September is Emergency Preparedness Month (IEMA).
            -IDOT Multimodal Transportation Improvement Program
            -November is Veteran’s month.  Please consider letting Vet’s ride free

The next meeting was scheduled for 12\11\13, 11am at 409 N. Springer St. in Carbondale at the Sr. Adult Services office.

A motion for adjournment was made by Jesica Gentry and 2nd by James Lane.  Meeting adjourned at 12:08pm.


Minutes approved 12\11\13


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