Region 10: 2022 Meeting Minutes (7/19)



HSTP Region 10

Quarterly Meeting Minutes



Betty Cox

Clay County Rehab-Flora

Heather Baker

Charleston Transitional Facility-Olney

Shelly Goodman

Career Development Center-Fairfield

Mike Egbert

Opportunities for Access-Mt. Vernon

Cory Young

Marion Co. Horizon Center-Salem

Phil Toops

Central Illinois Public Transit-Effingham

Nathan Nichols

Central Il. Public Transit-Effingham

John Althoff

Central Illinois Public Transit-Effingham

John Gillmore

Central Illinois Public Transit-Effingham

Meredith Cornwell

Rides Mass Transit District-Harrisburg

Gidget Simpson

CILA Corporation-Flora

Terri Finn

Human Service Transportation Program Coordinator-Salem

Dave Schafer

Il. Dept. of Transportation-Springfield


Call to Order: The quarterly HSTP Region 10 meeting was held on Tuesday July 19, 2022, and called to order by HSTP Coordinator Terri Finn at 11:05am.


Introductions: All attendees introduced themselves and their respective agency.


Approval of April 2022 Minutes: After review of the meeting minutes, Betty Cox made a motion to approve the minutes and 2nd by Mike Egbert.  Minutes approved


Regional Plan: Terri Finn handed out the Region 10 Plan ‘Gaps & Needs’ for the committee to review.  Meredith Cornwell stated that she thinks the Gaps listed are exactly what is needed in this area. The extended hours, the promptness to appointments and being picked up on time.  The committee agreed with those points.  

After some discussion, the document was approved, as is, and will be added to the Regional Plan for final approval at the next meeting.


Transportation Concerns:  Terri Finn introduced David Schafer of IDOT.  She reminded committee members that they have been asking for someone from IDOT to attend a meeting and listen to concerns, so here is the opportunity.  Also, be sure to let IDOT know of the good work & coordination that is being done in this region. 

Betty Cox: CCR uses CIPT and RIDES for client trips and is happy with both agencies.  She said both providers have helped CCR with their transportation needs. 

Heather Baker: stated that her agency is working with RIDES to get increased staff to be able to coordinate client transportation again.  Meredith Cornwell noted that CTF is on the schedule to be back in the system for transportation.  Heather did let David with IDOT know that 4 of their IDOT vehicles had various mechanical problems and were out of service, all in the same week.  Heather also stated that one of their vans went out of use over 6 years ago, and she is still trying to dispose of it through Jeff Waxman with no responses. 

Betty Cox also informed David Shafer that CC is also trying to dispose of 2 buses, and she is waiting on the titles for those buses from IDOT. 

Gidget Simpson informed David Schafer that 1 of their IDOT buses went out of commission after only 8 months of receiving it brand new.  (The roof fell in).  CILA is also still waiting on Jeff Waxman to allow disposal of that bus. 

Phil Toops stated that ECPT is waiting on one bus to be disposed of and has been told that IDOT has lost the title. 

Terri Finn encouraged committee members that participate on the IDOT bi-monthly webinar meetings can bring up these kinds of issues at that time as others around the state are probably also having similar problems.  Terri also urged committee members to always CC her and Zoe when emailing Jeff Waxman. 

Terri Finn provided an update regarding the CVP applications.  Coordinators have completed the coordination scores; Zoe & Jeff are almost done reviewing all of them.  It will still take 18+ months before any vehicles start rolling out. 


General Discussion: Terri Finn provided some handouts & resource materials for the committee.

Dave Schafer addressed the committee with updates from IDOT: staff are now back in their offices 3 days a week now.  The BlackCat system was having issues which has caused some of the delay in the CVP grants being reviewed.  IDOT will be hiring 2 project managers for the Southern region to fill the open vacancies.  The CARES Act capitol projects will be approved by the FTA by the end of FY’23.  He addressed a few more of the committee’s questions\concerns and left his business cards for all to contact him if needed. 

Terri Finn brought up a need for a statewide coordinated system that would allow all providers to see where other providers are going.  This would help to cut down on trip overlaps, dead head trips back from taking riders to appointments in more major cities. Terri also discussed the grant RIDES was given a few years back to form the call center, it was to be used as a “One Call” center for anyone needing transportation but also a scheduling hub that would have the availability to schedule multi-provider trips.  This whole concept didn’t work out for many various reasons but, as noted in the Regional Plan, providers will be contacted and encouraged to try this again since there are now new players coming to the table.  Meredith, with RIDES, stated that was also involved with that grant and call center and that it is quite an undertaking to make it work & coordinate with other providers.  Dave Schafer discuss these issues with the Deputy Director of Transit, Shoun Reese, and encouraged committee members to also address these funding issues with their Congressmen. 


The next meeting is scheduled for October 18th, 2022.  Betty Cox volunteered to host the meeting at the Clay City Banking in Flora. (Unless announced later for a different location).


Adjourn:  Motion made by Phil Toops and 2nd by Betty Cox to adjourn at 12:07pm.   










































































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