Region 10: 2022 Meeting Minutes (10/18)


HSTP Region 10

Quarterly Meeting Minutes



Betty Cox

Clay County Rehab-Flora

Mike Egbert

Opportunities for Access Center for Independent Living-Mt. Vernon

Cory Young

Marion County Horizon Center-Salem

Janice Zwilling

Lawrence-Crawford Association-Lawrenceville

Shana Holmes

Southeastern Il. Area Agency on Aging-Mt. Carmel

Pete Niccum

Community Support Systems-Teutopolis

Jeff Drake

Rides Mass Transit District-Harrisburg

Riley Anderson

South Central Il. Regional Planning & Development Commission-Salem

Mark Auten

TRADE Industries-McLeansboro

Gidget Simpson

CILA Corporation-Flora

John Gillmore

Central Il. Public Transit\Effingham Public Transportation-Effingham

Terri Finn

HSTP Coordinator-Salem


Call to Order: The quarterly HSTP Region 10 meeting was held on Tuesday, October 18, 2022 and called to order by Chairperson Mark Auten at 11:04am.


Introductions: All attendees introduced themselves and their respective agency.


Approval of July 22 Meeting Minutes: After review of the meeting minutes, Mike Egbert made a motion to approve the minutes and 2nd by Cory Young.  Minutes approved.


Regional Plan: Terri Finn, HSTP, Region 10 Coordinator discussed the Regional Plan.  In the Regional Plan on page 7, it lists all of the providers in the Region.

Gaps and Needs are also addressed from the last meeting. Terri and Mark stressed to the committee to continue working with these strategies and the riders in mind.  Providers might come across additional needs for their region/areas that needs to be addressed and these can be added to the Plan as they occur and are reported during committee meetings. 

Terri inquired about evening & weekend services as they are still very limited.  Jeffrey Drake stated they provide evening services, depending on the locations.  He stated that in Carmi, Olney, and Robinson, they have services until 5pm, but in Harrisburg area, they provide services until midnight.  Saturday services occur 1\2 day in Hamilton & White counties.  John Gillmore stated that CIPT provide transportation until 8pm during the week, in Effingham, but no weekend services. The committee then discussed the coordination efforts of all providers to help reduce the overlap of routes. 


Agency Transportation information:  Betty Cox discussed a recent bus wreck and dealing with IDOT, insurance, etc. in trying to get the vehicle disposed of.

Pete Niccum informed everyone that CSS is back in the business of transporting clients as they were able to get 6 vehicles from entities thru Jeff Waxman and the county board provided funding for a 7th vehicle.  Also, CSS is looking for a trainer or training opportunity to get drivers prepared.  It was suggested that he reach out to Rides and RTAC for resources.

Shana Holmes reported on the terrible trouble she & cohorts are having in getting rides for mental health patients in Wabash, Wayne, and Crawford counties.  While most of the areas that are having difficulty are very rural and remote, people in these areas still need rides for medical appointments and just can’t seem to get them.  It was suggested that Shana and her group, as well as Rides, reach out to hospitals and other medical facilities about hours of service so discharges can be planned accordingly, encourage some of the small rural agencies to apply for CVP\5310 vehicles to fill a gap in service, and reach out to Shawnee MTD for any trip assistance that they may be able to offer. Information was also provided on some ambulance services that might be able to assist.    


General Discussion: Terri Finn informed the committee of an upcoming meeting in which Rides, Shawnee MTD, Monroe-Randolph Transit, South Central Transit & Jackson Co. Transit will discuss the possibilities of bringing back a One Call Center.  More will be reported on this at the next meeting. 


2023 Meeting dates were set and are as follows:


APRIL18, 2023-Southeastern Il. Area on Aging at 602 East 5th, Mt. Carmel

JULY 18, 2023—CILA Corporation, Flora

OCTOBER 17, 2023—Community Support Systems, Teutopolis


Adjourn: Motion made by Janice Zwilling and 2nd by Cory Young to adjourn at 12:07pm.  


Lunch was provided by our host Betty Cox.  Thank you for the wonderful lunch!




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