Region 10 Committeee Meeting Minutes

Region 10 HSTP Committee Meeting Minutes
October 6th, 2011

Dennis Quast: ARC/CSS
Trena Briscoe: Marion Co. Health Center
Michael “Spud” Egbert: Opportunities for Access
Lindsey Holtz: ECCOA
Chris Dickey: Clay Co. Rehab
Mike Brown: Charleston Transitional Facility
Gidget Simpson: CILA Corp.
Stacey Legg: FCC Adult Education
Arnold Herman: Lawrence Crawford Assoc.
Bill Jung: RIDES Mass Transit
Jaime Blatti: HSTP Coordinator

The meeting was called to order & everyone introduced themselves. Jaime Blatti, the new HSTP Coordinator, gave a brief introduction of herself and her background.

Sub-Committee Reports- Mission Statement Subcommittee which consisted of Arnold Herman and Dennis Quast complete the statement and passed around a copy for everyone to discuss. There was no opposition from the Committee and the statement will stand as “The mission of Region 10 is to improve coordinated transportation for area residents by providing a safe, affordable, and efficient system that improves their quality of life while providing better access to work, school, medical, social, and recreational activities.” Gaps/Needs/Strategies Subcommittee discussed their progress which included the removal of some gaps, adding an educational gap, and restructuring the section. Bill Jung and Mike Brown felt that each gap should be immediately followed by a goal and strategies. In the past, strategies were in a separate section of the plan and did not fulfill the gaps listed. The Plan Review Subcommittee has completed approximately half of the update. At this point, there is lack of data provided by the 2010 Census in regards to poverty by age. HSTP Coordinator Jaime Blatti is working on locating this information. All three subcommittees feel they will complete their tasks by the next Committee Meeting in December.

Election of Officers- Bill Jung nominated Arnold Herman for Chairman; the motion was second by Dennis Quast. Arnold nominated Bill Jung to the co-chairman in which Dennis Quast second the motion. Arnold Herman nominated Gidget Simpson and the motion was second by Bill Jung. There was no opposition from the remainder of the group and the nominations stand.

General Discussion- The majority of the meeting was focused on open discussion where everybody had an opportunity to ask questions and receive answers from fellow members. Topics of discussion included how RIDES collects “needs” of community data and when and how they alter their routes to serve the needs of the community. A general discussion of system hours and if the times are meeting the need of the demand are being met in Region 10. Arnold Herman and Bill Jung discussed vehicle sharing initiatives and how contracts have improved transportation effectiveness. The committee expressed they would like more information of vehicle sharing and this topic will be put on the next agenda. The committee discussed the potential for decreased funds via IDOT in the future and creative ways to maintain the system including contracts and van funds. Arnold Herman opened the floor and asked if anyone else in the group had some concerns that would like to express. Lindsey Holtz discussed her interest in medical trips to and from Effingham County Hospital that could be provided from non-ambulatory vehicles and her interest in potential contracts with a transit agency.

The next Region 10 HSTP Committee meeting will be held on Dec. 15th at 11:00 with a location to be determined.

Meeting adjourned.


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