Region 10: 2022 Meeting Minutes (4/19)


HSTP Region 10

Quarterly Meeting Minutes

Tuesday April 19, 2022

11:00 AM



Betty Cox

Clay Co. Rehab-Flora

Mike Egbert

Opportunities for Access-Mt. Vernon

Cory Young

Marion Co. Horizon Center-Salem

Janice Zwilling

Lawrence-Crawford Assoc.-Lawrenceville

Mark Auten

TRADE Industries-McLeansboro

Jeffrey Drake

RIDES Mass Transit-Harrisburg

Gidget Simpson

CILA Corporation-Flora

Dayo Adenekan

CILA Corporation-Flora

Pete Niccum

Community Support Systems-Teutopolis

Terri Finn

HSTP Coordinator-Salem


The quarterly HSTP Region 10 meeting was held on Tuesday, April 19th, 2021 and called to order by Chairperson Mark Auten at 11:07am.  Introductions of all attendees were done.    


Approval of October 2021 minutes: After review of the meeting minutes, Janice Zwilling made a motion to approve the minutes and 2nd by Jeffrey Drake.  Minutes approved.  


Regional Plan: The committee was provided with survey results and asked for input to help pull this portion of the Plan together.  There was discussion about the continued need for drivers & other critical staff.  The community & agency survey results were centered around Medicaid trips and the problems riders have with cancellations, long wait times, inaccessible vehicles & meeting appointment times.  These issues fall on public transit to an extent but mostly on the transport services that DHS\Medicaid are contracted with.  It was decided that a subcommittee should be formed to discuss results further and put a list of gaps & needs together.  Mark Auten, Jeffrey Drake & Terri Finn will make up the subcommittee and Terri will contact CIPT\ECPT to ask them to participate also.  The subcommittee will meet on 6\20, 10am at TRADE Industries.


CVP Applications:  Each agency that is applying for 5310 CVP vehicles this year was asked to share what they are requesting & why they are requesting with the committee. 

·         CILA Corp.: Requesting 3 light duty vehicles to replace vehicles that have met the replacement requirements.

·         Community Support Systems: Requesting 1 minivan and 2 super medium duty vehicles that have met the replacement requirements.

·         Lawrence-Crawford Assoc.: Requesting 3 minivans to replace 3 non-IDOT vehicles, in their fleet, that meet the replacement requirements.

·         Rides MTD: Requesting 30 medium duty, 11 super medium & 2 minivan vehicles to replace vehicles that meet the replacement requirements.

·         Marion Co. Horizon Center: Requesting 2 minivans to replace 1 IDOT & 1 non-IDOT minivans that meet replacement requirements.


Transportation Concerns: New face mask requirement rulings were passed for public transportation yesterday and the committee had a discussion concerning what agencies will be doing going forward. 


General Discussion:  There were no questions or discussion about the handouts that were provided.  Terri Finn provided an update on the Rebuild Il. awards that went to public providers in the 3 southern regions. 

The next meeting will be held on July 19th.  CILA Corp. volunteered to host this meeting, at their office on Old Highway 50 west of Flora.


Adjourn: The Chairperson asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting.  Janice Zwilling made the motion with 2nd by Dayo Adenekan.  The meeting was adjourned at 11:49am.



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