Region 11: 2012 Meeting Minutes (12/4)
Human Services Transportation Plan
Region 11
of December 4, 2012 Meeting
Held at the
H Group, 902 W. Main St., West Frankfort, Il.
Those in attendance:
Susan Muszynski
Area Agency on Aging of S.W. IL.
Vincent Riti
Challenge Unlimited
Michael ‘Spud’ Egbert
Opportunities for Access CIL
Treesa Sauerbrunn
Shawnee Mass Transit
Jeremy Biggerstaff
United Methodist Children’s Home
Patty Evansco
Millstadt Township Sr. Services
Stephanie Kastner
Helping Hands
Maureen Mann
Shawnee Mass Transit
Dave Ragan
The H Group
James Lane
Touchette Hospital
Be Youther
Shawnee Mass Transit
Bill Grogan
St. Clair Co. Transit
Mark Bollmann
Human Service Center
Kevin Loucks
South Central Transit
Debra Staggs
RIDES Mass Transit
Susan Engelhardt
5 Star Industies, Inc. & Perry Co.
Jon Douglas
Marilyn Hughes
Terri Finn
HSTP Coordinator
The meeting was called to order by Maureen
Mann at 11:06am and introductions were done.
Guest speaker: Stephanie Kastner from Helping Hands Medical Transportation in
Belleville, Il. explained the services that Helping Hands provides. 80% of the transportation Helping Hands
provides is Medicaid funded but they also do private pay trips. The agency has approximately 30 vehicles in
their fleet but only 2 are wheelchair accessible. The Committee discussed possible referrals
& coordination efforts between the public transit providers & Helping
Hands. Stephanie provided a handout with
agency information to the Committee.
Coordination: Provider inventory resource lists
were handed out & Terri Finn asked that if there are changes to let her
know so the list could stay updated.
The floor was opened for agencies to
share their stories of coordination.
Some great stories were shared.
Bill Grogan informed the Committee
that St. Clair Co. Transit\ATS has procured 14 new vehicles so they will have
some older models available to sell.
Mark Bollmann brought up a problem
his agency is having with 1st Transit. Mark stated that a Medicaid trip will be
approved by 1st Transit but when billed, the trip is denied for
payment due to ‘shortest route’ rules.
At times, these ‘shortest routes’ will take the vehicle on gravel or
dirt roads that shouldn’t be traveled but since 1st Transit
representatives don’t know rural roads they don’t seem to care about this
issue. Some other Committee members
voiced that they are also having this problem & have been going through
dispute resolution. Mark would
appreciate any help with this problem.
Committee Bylaws: Copies of the bylaws that the
subcommittee had revised were distributed to the Committee. Ben Youther went over the changes that were
made & discussed how and why the subcommittee changed certain items. Motion was made by Maureen Mann &
seconded by Bill Grogan to approve the new bylaws. Motion passed unanimously.
General Discussion: The results of the St. Clair Co.
survey, conducted by SIU-C & the Rural Medical Transportation Network, were
distributed for Committee review. Dennis
Presley would like to meet with the subcommittee soon so Terri Finn will try to
get that scheduled in January.
Terri Finn discussed recent Veteran’s
forums that she & some of the public transit provider staff had recently
attended. Terri explained that IDOT is
involved with the Veteran’s Initiative for employment so efforts are being made
to inform Vet’s of transportation opportunities. A discussion then began regarding rides for
Vet’s in Southern Il. and what the group could do to help. One example was to offer free rides 1 month
of the year, possibly November in observance of Veteran’s Day. Public providers were asked to bring this up
at IPTA meetings to make this a statewide effort.
Terri Finn offered to provide
Mobility Management training to agency staff, clients or transit riders that
might need it. Maureen Mann told the
Committee of a future training that SMART staff will be involved in with Terri.
The next meeting will be held at
Shawnee College in Ullin on March 5, 2013 at 11:00am.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:36pm.