Region 9: 2012 Meeting Minutes (12/12)

Region 9 HSTP Committee Meeting Minutes
December 12, 2012
Il. Valley Rehabilitation Center-Gillespie

Stephanie Kasten
Helping Hands Medical Transportation
Andrea Ramsey
Opportunities For Access CIL
Vincent Riti
Challenge Unlimited\Residential Options
Linda Vidmar
Il. Valley Rehab Center-Gillespie
Sheila Niederhofer
South Central Transit
Vicki Clift
South Central Transit
Fran Smith
Jarvis Township Sr. Citizens Center
Kristie Warfel
Central Il. Public Transit
Kim Gehrke
McKinney-Vento Homeless Education\Regional Office of Education #3
Beth Hake
Community Link
Stacey Rhodes
St. John’s Community Care
Trudy Baxter
Epilepsy Foundation of Greater Southern Il.
Stan Krushas
Il. Emergency Management Agency
Jill Jones
Bond Co. Transit
Missy Kichline
Stephanie Brown
Challenge Unlimited
Rachel Newsome
Il. Center for Autism
Peggy Dunn
Macoupin Co. Public Transit
Sara Berkbigler
Main St. Community Center
Susan Thomas
Madison Co. Transit\Agency for Community Transit 
Lacey Miller
Il. Valley Rehab Center-Jerseyville
Terri Finn
HSTP Coordinator

The meeting was called to order by Chairperson, Sheila Niederhofer, at 11:07am.  Introductions were done around the room. 

Guest Speaker: Sheila introduced the guest speaker, Stephanie Kasten, from Helping Hands Medical Transportation.  Stephanie explained the services that Helping Hands provides, the service area that they cover & handed out information detailing website, phone number, scheduling guidelines, etc.  Helping Hands has about 30 vehicles, which are mostly cars but they do have 2 wheelchair accessible vans. 

Coordination: The Committee was provided with a resource list of transportation providers in Region 9 area.  Everyone was asked to use this list to assist persons they may encounter needing transportation and if there are any changes or updates, contact HSTP Coordinator Terri Finn so we can keep the list up to date & useable.
The meeting was open for anyone to discuss stories of coordination.         

Committee Bylaws: The subcommittee gave an update on the changes to the bylaws that they had made.   The Committee members were provided with a new version of the document and asked for input for any further changes.  Being none, a motion was made by Missy Kichline & 2nd by Kristie Warfel to accept the new bylaws.  Motion was approved. 

General Discussion:  Terri Finn discussed recent Veteran’s forums that she & some of the public transit provider staff had recently attended.  Terri explained that IDOT is involved with the Veteran’s Initiative for employment so efforts are being made to inform Vet’s of transportation opportunities. Anyone with Veteran contacts was asked to share them with Terri so she can invite them to HSTP meetings.  Terri said that Region 11 had an idea to provide free rides to Veteran’s in the month of November (Veteran’s Day) and all IPTA members are encouraged to bring this up at IPTA meetings so as to make this a statewide initiative.

Terri Finn offered Mobility Management or Travel Trainings to agency staff, clients, potential or problem riders.  Kristie Warfel stated that she would be scheduling with Terri soon as they will have a Mobility Manager on staff.

Committee members were encouraged to submit newsletter articles & pictures to the Coordinator for the regional newsletter.

Those involved in the primer process for Calhoun\Green\Jersey Counties transportation gave an update.  The groups are in final stages.  The system development group is working on a budget to submit to IDOT and the system’s name will be Tri-County Transit.

The election of officers will be in March & the Coordinator will send an email prior to the meeting with all eligible members listed.  Anyone wanting to nominate or volunteer is encouraged to do so. 

Rachael Newsome offered to host the next meeting but the office is in St. Clair Co.  The Committee had no objections to holding the next meeting out of region so it was scheduled for March 13th, 11am at the Il. Center for Autism in Fairview Heights.      

The meeting was adjourned at 12:13pm


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